Jin's Ending

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The one who hurt you the most.

But you knew he was hurting as much as you were.

You looked around the ballroom, trying to find him. Did he leave? Where would he go?


You climbed up the stairs to the parlor room you met in almost every day. As you slid the door open, memories of chess games, bad dad jokes, and sweet smiles flooded your memory.

Does this even make sense? After everything? Should I feel this way about him?

You opened the door to find Jin at his usual spot in front of the chess board, his head in his hands. The room was dark except for a single yellow lamp off in the corner. He didn't stir. He hadn't you yet. You watched him for a moment, imagining in his place a small boy who grew up in constant fear and agony. Now he had grown into a man, still just as scared and anxious.

Perhaps it was pity that drew you to him. Maybe it was forgiveness. Whatever it was, you couldn't leave him.


He looked up. Saying your name in surprise, he jumped up, only to knock over the chessboard. He grunted and set the table back up, then picked up the pieces and scattered them across the board.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his hands rubbing together.

You shut the door behind you and walked towards him. "Taehyung told me everything. About your childhood. About your mother."

Jin's eyes dropped to the floor. "Then now you know about my shameful existence."

You walked over and put your hand on his. "Jin, it wasn't your fault. Well, hiring Yoongi was your choice – I can't justify that one for you – but your mother? You did nothing wrong."

His hands wrapped around yours as he shut his eyes. "I just wanted to protect my brothers. My people. Myself. I couldn't handle living that all over again. And now... Now I've become the monster."

You caught the glitter of a tear on his cheek and wiped it away with your thumb.

"You're not a monster," you said. "You just made a really, really bad decision. At least you regret it. Some people don't even bother to do that."

He gave a relieved laugh. "I can't ask you for your forgiveness. I don't deserve it."

"No one earns forgiveness, Jin."

"I don't expect it for free."

"When I'm ready to give it to you, it will be. I just need a little bit of time."

He nodded. "Of course."

"But..." you continued. "I would like for us to start over."

He cocked his head to the side. "Start over?"

You nodded. "I'm not saying that I want to marry you now, but... I don't want to leave you either."

His hand inched up to your face and stroked your hair. "I'm in your debt until the day I die, [Y/N]."

"I'm okay with that."

You smiled at him. He held back for a moment and then burst into laughter, pulling you in and pressing his lips on yours. Stunned, you didn't react. He broke away, just as stunned.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean – I shouldn't have – I just keep making horrible decisions, don't I?"

You licked your lips, your mouth going dry. The taste of him saturated on the tip of your tongue for a moment.

"It's okay." you reassured him. "I didn't hate it."

He lingered for a moment. You could tell he wanted to ask, but he wasn't going to. He started to pull away from you.

"You can do it again if you want." you said.

You weren't sure why you said it, but you meant it. You wanted to feel him again.

He stepped in closer. "Are you sure?"

You cupped his face with your hand and rubbed your thumb against his cheek. You nodded.

He closed his eyes and turned his head, kissing your wrist. After a deep breath, he brought you into him. He leaned down and slid his lips against yours. At first his kiss was timid, like he was afraid to break you. But in a moment it escalated, his lips over-taking yours. The grip around your waist tightened, and his kiss deepened. You gripped his shoulders, drinking in the taste.

He pulled away and rested his forehead on yours, breathing down on your lips.

"I'll dedicate the rest of my life to making everything up to you." he said. "I promise. Believe me when I say that I love you, [Y/N]."

Any doubts you had about Jin's feelings for you disappeared in that kiss.

It would take some time for you to trust one another, you supposed, but it would be worth it. For both of you.


That night you declared that you were taking your place as princess. Your parents were ecstatic. Jin clapped happily on the side of the room for you, still glowing from your kiss. Rumors about you two started by the end of the night, since you and Jin danced and talked the entire night. It felt good to start over with him. You made the right decision.

Namjoon finally realized how much he loved his girl, and he went after her like you had told him to. He renounced his station and married her, enjoying a romantic civilian life. Jin invited both of them to the castle often as guests.

Jimin and Nara married. At first, they had a rocky relationship that Jungkook constantly butted into. Jimin became competitive at Jungkook trying to take his wife, and eventually couldn't stand the thought of her with anyone else. He treated her better from then on, and they fell in love completely.

While trying to sabotage Jimin, Jungkook met Nara's cousin, who kept running interference for Jimin and Nara. In the beginning, Jungkook was constantly trying to outwit her, but she outsmarted him every time. Eventually he got so determined to beat her that he got obsessive about her. After some time, that obsession turned into romantic feelings, and he ended up marrying her.

Taehyung continued to be Jin and your assistant, and a dear friend. He was happy to see Jin finally open up. Not long after you and Jin got together, Taehyung met a cook and married her. 

Hoseok took the job at the private academy and ended up marrying an instructor from a rival school. You saw him occasionally for special events. He was much happier than he had been when you first met, and you could tell that he was becoming that fun character everyone had known him as.

Yoongi was cleansed of his crimes and he rejoined Hoseok. Turns out the "exciting life" he wanted was the one he already had. He loved travelling the world and torturing Hoseok. He didn't marry, but he did put Jimin to shame on the number of women he wooed in every city he visited.

Eventually, you and Jin married and you became queen. Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jimin were happy to have you as part of the family, and even happier to see Jin in love. Jin treated you well, and meant every word he said when he had told you he would make it up to you. Being queen was hard, but Jin made each day wonderful. The best part of being royalty was being by his side.

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