Chapter 22 - Searching

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You could tell that Jin was better by the way he consumed everything at the table. The glow on his face as he scarfed down piles of eggs, ham, and rice was the only thing that made eating at the table bearable.

Jimin ate his food, looking down on his plate and avoiding all eye contact. Jungkook just poked at his food, shoving it from one side to the other. Nara ate small bites. You sat on the edge, between Jin and Namjoon. Oddly enough, you were grateful to be between them, at the very least to avoid all the awkward energy on the other side of the table.

"You're leaving this afternoon, aren't you, Nara?" Jin asked.

Nara nodded. "Yes. And Ji-"

She stopped herself and looked at Jimin. He dropped his fork on the plate.

"I'm going with her."

All of you looked up in surprise. For a moment, you thought maybe something good had developed after last night, but watching Jimin's tight face, you could tell that nothing had been resolved.

"So early?" Namjoon asked.

"I've been called back for wedding preparations." he replied.

He said it like he had homework to do. Nara kept her eyes on her plate, taking a tiny bite of egg and leaving the fork in her mouth for a long moment.

"You're welcome to come back any time, as always." Jin said, smiling. "Not that you'd listen to me if I kicked you out."

Jimin's smile returned, but only for a brief moment. "I just can't get enough of your charms."

"Enough of your nonsense." Jin said, taking in a huge bite of sausage.

After breakfast, you spent a couple hours of princess lessons with Namjoon in the library, and then Jin in the parlor.

"Have you found anything out yet?" you asked Jin, moving your chess piece.

It had become standard to play a game of chess every time you met.

"We've been taking an inventory of who has been coming in and out of the castle since you arrived. We've also been interviewing the staff. Nothing has come up just yet, but we're hopeful. Have there been any other threats?"

You shook your head. "Not since the day I was chased."

"Hmm," he said, deciding which piece to move on the board. "Strange that they would wait so long between threats."

"Do you think they know we're onto them?"

Jin snorted. "'Onto them?' You watch a lot of old detective shows, don't you?"

"Well, how else do you say it?"

"They could know that we're 'onto them.' Or, they're regrouping to hit you harder for the next round. Silence is a bad sign."

You curled your shoulders up to your ears. "So what do we do?"

"Keep waiting, my dear." he said, moving his piece into checkmate. "I'll look after you. I promise."

Afternoon came, and you all left to the helicopter pad to say goodbye to Nara and Jimin.

"I'm going to be the only girl again." you whined as Nara hugged you goodbye.

She laughed. "Don't worry! We'll see each other again soon. Promise."

She gave you another hug and boarded the helicopter with Jimin's assistance. He gave a long glance your way. You wanted to say something to him - anything, really -but you couldn't think of anything. What did you say? Sorry? I didn't mean it? You're a jerk?

There weren't any words to say. So you didn't. You just watched him board the helicopter and take off.


The sun was down, but you weren't tired. Jimin and Jungkook both bounced around in your head. You weren't sure why you were so obsessed with the situation between them and Nara. It wasn't your problem. You didn't have feelings for either of them.

Did you?

Did you have feelings for anyone here?

You thought of Jimin and Nara's arranged marriage. Would your dad arrange your marriage too? Did you have any say in it? Would your husband love you if you weren't a good princess? Or would he treat you like Jimin treated Nara?

You threw your arm over your eyes as you lay in bed, trying to find any answers for your questions. There weren't any.


You moved your arm away from your eyes and looked around the room.

What was that noise?

Click. Pop. Click.

The noise was coming from the balcony. Your heart hit your throat. You stood and rushed to the open doors, slamming them shut and locking them.


There was now a shadow on your balcony.

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