Jungkook's Ending

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The one you gave you the hardest time.

But there was no one else you would rather fight with for the rest of your life.

After searching the ballroom, you found Jungkook standing out on the balcony alone, lost in thought. It reminded you of the silent treatment he gave you at the polo tournament. You remembered those hard eyes after you mentioned becoming his sister.

But you also remember him punching Yoongi in the face when you were in danger. 

Just how did he feel about you?

"Planning another prank?" you teased, standing next to him.

He looked up and pulled his lip to the side in a smug little smirk. "I could be."

"Who's the target?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I would. It seems like I'm your favorite to torture."

"That's because you are my favorite."

"Am I?" you asked. "Am I your favorite, Jungkook?"

A heartbeat passed. You couldn't ask what you wanted. You wanted him to say that you were his favorite out of everyone... but not for pranks. You wanted to know that you were his favorite in general - that he cared for you more than he showed.

He looked away, not answering. Apparently he had picked up on the meaning of your words, and was trying to process them. He bit his lip and patted the balcony, looking up into the stars. He said nothing. With a long glance at you, he turned to leave.

You couldn't turn around to watch him go. It was the nicest rejection you had ever gotten, but it still hurt. Maybe it was for the best, after everything. Maybe he still loved Nara. Maybe there was just nothing for him to love about you.

Then you felt his hands on your shoulders. They slid down your arms, his chest leaning in and pressing against your back.


His head dipped to your shoulder, his breath against your neck. You shuddered as his lips brushed against the nape, while his fingers intertwined with yours. His lips parted and pressed against your skin, kissing you lightly. He brought his head up and leaned his forehead against the side of your face, breathing into your ear.

"Be mine." he whispered.

Your knees went weak.

"I don't care if you were meant for Jin," he said. "I can't watch you with anyone else, and I won't allow you to be my sister. Not with the way I feel about you. I want to be with you, Y/N."

You wiggled out of his embrace and turned around to face him. "With me? Why?"

He paused, reaching his hand up to move your hair behind your ear. "When I thought I lost you, I realized everything I liked about you." he said. "I love your strength. I love that you fearlessly put me in my place. You're also kind. And thoughtful. And beautiful."

He stepped in closer.

"I know I messed up a lot." he continued. "I'm going to make it up to you. I promise you that."

"What about Nara?"

He smiled, shaking his head. "I loved her once, but she was never meant to belong to me. But you... I won't accept that you belong to anyone else."

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