Chapter 41 - Resolve

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"Are you sure about this?" Taehyung asked.

You looked at the castle entrance. You couldn't run even though you wanted to.

"I can't just disappear now." you said. "Jin and I need to settle this before my parents get here."

"Then... I will be with you every step of the way." he said, smiling.

You put a hand on his arm. "Thanks, Taehyung."

It felt weird to walk back in after spending the night on a rooftop. You weren't sure how you were going to explain being gone all night with Taehyung.

You walked through the doors, holding your breath.

"There you are."

You turned to find Jungkook hanging around the entrance.

"We've been looking for you." he continued.

How do I answer...

"I –"

"Your parents are here."

You felt like you had been punched in the throat. "What?"

"They're with Jin in the parlor room."

You looked at Taehyung.

What were you supposed to do now?

Both of you stepped up to the parlor room and opened the door. Your mother and father were both on the couch, while Jin sat in one of the chairs. At the sound of the door creaking open, they all looked at you.

"[Y/N]!" your dad said as your mom jumped up to give you a hug. "There's my girl!"

"I'm still mad at you." you muttered through your mom's embrace.

He stood and came over to hug you. "It's nothing new."

As soon as his arms wrapped around you, it felt like home again. Suddenly everything wasn't so foreign and intimidating. Finally there was something familiar.

You would yell at him later.

Your mom petted your hair. "Did you have fun? Did you meet everyone? Did they feed you well enough?"

You smiled. "I'm good, Mom."

"Taehyung!" your dad said. "I see you're still in one piece."

Taehyung bowed.

"Did my daughter behave herself?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Ha! Now at least I know he's a liar. Look at all these bruises all over her neck. Even as a princess you're starting fights with boys? I just can't teach you otherwise, can I?"

You exchanged a glance with Taehyung.

After a moment, you nudged your dad's arm. "I have to make sure they know their boundaries, right, Dad?"

He laughed. "I suppose you're right."

Jin folded his hands together.

Your mom motioned you back to the couch. "Tell us everything you've been doing for the past couple months."

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