Chapter 28 - The Reason

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Hoseok's phone buzzed. He looked at it, not answering.

"Ah, that's right. I forgot I had an event this evening." he said. He put the phone back in his pocket. "Duty calls. It looks like I'll have to beat you all some other time."

"Sure you will." you teased.

"We're real nervous about it, too." Namjoon added.

He waved his hand at you both and walked out the door. Silence settled between you and Namjoon.

"So uh..." he said, trying to find something to say. "How do you feel about racing games?"

You smiled. "Let's find out."

Namjoon won the best three out of five. You wished you could say it was close, but it wasn't. He smoked you.

"How can you be so good at driving games when you can't leave your house?" you asked, giving him a hard time.

He snorted. "Who says I don't leave?"

"I've never seen you leave."

"Maybe I don't want you to see me leave."

"Do you ever sneak out to see your girlfriend?"

You paused. You kind of wished you hadn't asked once you saw him press his lips together.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, you know." you added.

He nodded. "I know. There's not really a reason to worry anymore, anyhow. She dumped me."

You nearly jumped out of your chair to face him. "Wait, wait, wait. She dumped you? What for?"

He didn't answer, he just stared at the racing screen as the demo played.

"Didn't she want to be a --"

You stopped yourself. Namjoon's girlfriend wouldn't have become a royal, would she? What had Yoongi said?

If a royal marries a non-royal, they have to renounce their station.

You looked at him, your heart sinking. "You were going to give up being a prince for her... weren't you?"

He straightened, but didn't look at you.

"You loved her that much?" you continued.

He laughed bitterly. "I don't know. I thought I might. But she didn't want me to."

"If you love her, you should go after her."

His eyes met yours with a stare so strong it left you breathless. If Namjoon ever looked at his girlfriend the way he was looking at you now, she was an idiot for leaving him.

He broke the stare. "Maybe. We'll see."


"I can't focus on that right now." he said, waving it away. "You're more important at the moment."

"What? Me?"

"Yes, you. You're our guest and your life is being threatened. All this time, and you couldn't tell me?"

You slumped back in the chair. "I didn't think you'd care, honestly."

"I know we got off on a really bad start," Namjoon said, his eyes on his hands. "In the beginning, I thought you wanted status and power. It took me awhile to realize you weren't that type of woman. When I heard that you were attacked... Do you know how worried I was?"

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