His POV Series is Complete!

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I have just posted the last installment of The 7 Princes - His POV Series. I can't believe how much this story has grown in the past year. All of your comments and messages have really inspired me to keep going.  

I'm sad to see this series come to an end, but on the other hand, I'm stupid excited to share my next project with you.

So excited, in fact, that I think I need to give you a preview.

My next book, THE REBELLION, will start next week.

And for those of you that are wondering, YES, The Five Princes (the commercial version of T7P) is still in production. It will be out this year. No dates yet, but I'll keep you posted!

For now, here's a preview of THE REBELLION:



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"You can't take him!" you screamed.

The guards grabbed you before you reached the door. You couldn't even see your brother, the door blocked by an old, unforgotten shadow.

"It's too late, Y/N," the shadow replied.

You narrowed your eyes, the guards' hands gripping hard into your arms. "You expect me to back down that easily? He's all I have left, Namjoon! You know that!"

The shadow stepped into your house, his dark eyes showing no regrets nor sympathy as the living room candles lit his face.

"He's a murderer," Namjoon said. "He brought this upon himself."

"You're wrong!" You tried to twist out of the guards' hold, but it didn't work. "Jungkook would never commit treason against the emperor! You know that. How can you take him away to be executed?"

You tried to catch your breath, your eyes beginning to burn. He stepped in closer, but you only stared at his boots. His fingers curled under your chin. He lifted your head up to look at him.

"Stop fighting against me," he said. "You won't win. You know that."

You jerked your face away from his hand. "Get out of my house."

"I hate to say this," he said, rubbing his finger tips together, "but this house no longer belongs to you."

You looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

His jaw clenched before he opened his mouth again. "This house was in your brother's name. Now that he's been arrested, it has defaulted to the government."

"Namjoon --"

"You can live here for the time being," he continued, cutting you off. "But you can be thrown out at anytime. These are the orders of the emperor."

You twisted hard, trying to break free from the guards. It worked, but only for a moment. They grabbed you again, pulling you back.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Enough," he warned.

"You become captain of the guards, disappear for five years, and then show up at my door to take my brother and my home away from me?" You were spitting your words at him. "Who the hell do you think you are? What right do you have to come back here?"

"Put her under house arrest," he told the other guards, not blinking. "Secure the first floor."

He turned his back on you. It was something he was good at.

"Namjoon!" you called.

He stopped. With two heavy footsteps, he turned back.

"That..." he said, "will be the last time I allow you to say my name and live." 

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