Jimin's Ending

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The one who was going to marry someone else.

            It was horrible, wasn't it? Wanting to steal your friend's fiancee? But they were both so miserable... You couldn't bear to see them both stuck in that for a lifetime.

            At least, that's what you told yourself.

            Would he even accept you? Could he?

            Your questions quickened your steps as you searched the ballroom. You needed the answers before it was too late. But Jimin wasn't anywhere.

            You decided to look in the place you shared the most memories.

            The moon barely lit the way to the lake. Your heart pounded, half from running, half from reliving the memory of almost being drowned by Jackson in the same place. But then you remembered the first day you spent time alone with Jimin – how he jumped in the water and saved you when you fell out of the boat. His warm arms around you.

Jimin had a warmth to him that you wanted to be consumed in on a daily basis.

            Just as you thought of it, you saw his silhouette leaning against a tree, looking out onto the water. He didn't even notice you. His eyes were focused completely on the water.

            You stepped forward and touched his arm. He jumped, but smiled when he recognized your face.

            "[Y/N]... why aren't you at your party?"

            You inhaled. "I wanted to see you."

            His smiled widened. "Really? You must have heard my thoughts. I was just thinking about you."

            "Oh? About what?"

            He took a deep breath and looked at the water again. "The day I saved you. And the day I didn't. I wish I had done more for you, [Y/N]. You were in danger this entire time, and I was so caught up in myself and in my own problems that I couldn't even help you."

            "You had a lot to worry about."

            "It still bothers me. I almost lost you."

            You reached out and tugged on his arm. "I'm still here."

            He continued to scowl.

            You slid your hand from his arm down to his hand and gripped it. "I hate seeing you in so much pain."

            He squeezed your hand. "I keep causing pain for others. It's only fair I take some myself from time to time."

            "Is there anything I can do for you?"

            He grinned at you. "Wanna get married?"

            Your heart stopped.

            "I was kidding, [Y/N]." he said, bursting into laughter. "You don't need to give me that look."

            You let go of his hand as your heart dropped, swallowing the dry lump in your throat. "Would you be miserable with me, then?"

            His grin flattened. His lips parted as he searched your face for a moment.

"No." he said. "I wouldn't be miserable with you."

            You thought about Nara and what Jimin had said in the ballroom.

            "When you said you wanted Nara to marry someone else... who did you mean?"

            Jimin turned from you and shrugged. "I think the answer is obvious. Jungkook makes her the happiest."

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