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Wow! Just wow!

I can't believe it! We reached 1 million views today! I remember putting up a celebration post for 500 views just last year. It's thanks to you guys that we've reached a million! I can't thank you enough! 

I think this is cause for a celebration! So I have a few gifts for you. 

First, I've mentioned before that I want to turn The Seven Princes into a real book. I've written an alternative opening and I want to share it with you today. (It's less fanfiction-y and more commercial.) Tell me what you think! 

Second, I'll be answering your T7P/MoRI Q&A this weekend. I've gotten a lot of questions like "How did you come up with the idea for the story?" and "How is MoRI connected to T7P?", so if you have any questions about The Seven Princes or Marriage of Royal Inconvenience, feel free to ask!

And LAST, but not LEAST: an announcement. I'm working on another BTS story that will be posted as soon as the His POV series is finished. It's based on the Rap Line. 

Excited yet? What if I give you a little preview

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Excited yet? What if I give you a little preview...?

"If you want my help that badly, you need to give me something in return..."

"That's why they call me Master, sweetheart. Now it's your turn. Say it."

"If they want to take you back, they have to get through me first. And trust me... I won't let anyone take you from me that easily."

Can you guess who is who? *maniacal laugh*

But seriously, you guys are the best. On my worst days, you keep me going. I purple you. :D <3 

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