Chapter 8 - Threatened

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You didn't have to be told twice.

Heart pounding through your chest and up into your throat, you raced through the trees to reach the light at the end of them. You heard feet crunching not far behind yours. You looked back once, but scraped your arm against a tree as soon as you did.

It was too dark to see him.

For some reason, you couldn't scream. Fear had taken over. Did he have a gun? A knife? If you had to face him, the wide open space was the best place to do it.

But first, running.

You ran out of the trees, breaking free into the light. You didn't bother looking back. You ran straight for the entrance of the castle, past the guards. If they saw someone, they could stop them, right?

You ran up the stairs - still full speed - straight to your room. You shut the door behind you, locking it. You shrank against the door, panting, hands shaking.

Who was that? What did they want? Was the person threatening you really - someone at the castle?


You got up and went to the intercom, looking for Taehyung's button. You pressed it. It beeped.

"Yes, your majesty?"

His voice never sounded so wonderful.


"[YN?]" he asked, his tone now grave. "What's wrong?"

You couldn't steady your voice. "I - I need - Come---"

"I'll be right there."

Your heart sank as soon as the intercom beep sounded and you were left alone in the room. Even though you were only talking to him over an intercom, it felt like someone was there with you for a moment.

After the longest fifteen seconds of your life, a knock came to the door.

"Princess," Taehyung's voice said. "Are you in there? Are you hurt?"

You unlocked the door and swung it open. At the sight of his warm face, you threw your arms around him and buried your head in his chest.

"Um... Princess?" he asked. After a moment, you felt his arms wrap around you. The way he held you was so comforting. "What happened?"

You couldn't say anything at the moment, but just gripped onto him. He took a deep breath, but didn't ask you anything more.

"It's okay. I'm here." he said, rubbing your back. "You're safe with me. I promise."

You relaxed a little. You still weren't sure what to tell him. What happened? Was it real? Did you dream it?

He pulled away, taking your face between his hands and looking into your face. "Tell me. Tell me what happened."

You sat in a chair on the side of the room. He brought you a glass of water from your bathroom and kneeled next to your chair on one knee. You drank about half the glass before you could get any words out. He took your other hand and held it, stroking it with his thumb. It soothed you.

You were able to tell him what happened. You tried to remember every detail, even though it was a little fuzzy thanks to the adrenaline. Taehyung's face turned from concern to an expression of intense focus and anger.

"Did you see his face at all?" he asked.

You shook your head. "I just ran."

"Good girl. Who knows what would have happened to you."

His hand on yours gripped tighter.

"By the look on your face," you said. "Jungkook isn't this cruel with his pranks."

"No. He does adolescent pranks. Not terrifying ones."

Your heart sank. You were hoping that it was all just a really horrible joke by your hosts. But it was real.

"Then I take it these aren't from him either."

You stood and went to your side drawer, taking out the two threats you had gotten. You handed them to Taehyung. He looked over them, eyes narrowing in on the writing.

He held the letters up. "Does anyone know about these?"

You shook your head.

"Don't tell anyone." he said. "Let me look into it first."


His eyes darted around the floor in thought. "Just trust me on this one." He looked up, his round eyes meeting with yours. "You trust me, don't you?"

You couldn't think of a reason not to. You nodded.

"Then just wait." he said. "Whoever it is, has to be in the castle. And if that's true, then it won't be long until we find them."


a/n: What do you guys think? Who do you think is threatening you? Which "prince" do you want to see more of? Let me know!


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