Chapter 19 - Truth

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Namjoon stepped up to you, taking you in his arms and bringing you in close. He wasn't as skilled as Jimin was at dancing, but you felt yourself melt into his arms as he held you. 

But Jimin... what did you say wrong?

"Is Jungkook treating you well?" Namjoon asked.

You nodded. "Yes. And it's weird."

He frowned. "Yeah, that is kind of strange. Well, if that changes, let me know."

Awkwardness lingered between you. You still felt embarrassed about yesterday, and the tension from it was killing you.

"I'm sorry... about what I said."

Namjoon turned his head to you, surprised. His face softened after a moment. "Don't worry about it... Your Majesty."

You looked up to see him sporting a playful smirk. His eyes glittered a little from the lanterns. Anyone else calling you "Your Majesty" felt silly. But an actual royal member acknowledging you? That was a little different.

Especially if it was Namjoon.

You smiled and continued to dance with him.

The song ended, and so did your dance. Namjoon gave a warm bow, then left the stage. You were about to leave yourself, until you spotted Jungkook on the edge of the dance floor. His eyes went right into you as he approached you. Not in a sweet and cuddly way, either. It was like one of those Discovery Channel shows where a lion was about to destroy a hyena. You froze to the floor, heart pounding.

"Should I have let Namjoon be your escort after all?" he asked, grabbing you for the next dance. His hands took their positions to your hand and waist, gripping hard onto you.

"What's your deal!" you asked him, the anger in your voice getting washed away by the orchestra.

"Just shut up and dance with me for a moment."

He pulled you in closer to him, his body pressed up against yours. You had no choice but to follow his lead since his hands were holding you in place. 

"What are you doing?" you asked. "You're hurting me."

He loosened his grip. "Sorry."

"You don't sound sorry."

"I'm not, really."

You sighed. "I can't figure you out. You flip between being sickening sweet to me, and being a complete terror. Are you schizophrenic? Do you have multiple personality disorder?"

"Multiple personality... what kind of TV shows do you watch? Honestly."

"Then what's with you? You've been hot and cold all evening. So has Jimin. I don't understand -"

Before you could finish, Jungkook pulled you in close, his face only a few inches from yours. He moved his head to the side of your face so he could whisper.

"Just stay like this for a moment." he said, his breath tickling your ear.

As you continued to dance, you looked around for an escape route. While glancing, your eyes settled on Jimin and Nara, both watching. Jimin's eyes blazed in the lamp light as he watched you. Nara looked at Jimin then to you. You looked back to Jungkook, who was looking straight at them both.

What was their game? Jimin and Jungkook were constantly in competition. Jimin was nice to you, and terrible to Nara. Jungkook treated Nara well and treated you however he liked...

It hit you. How could you miss it before?

"You like Nara," you said.

His eyes shot back to you. He jerked you a little. "Shut up."

"That's it, isn't it? That's the reason you and Jimin are so tense around each other. You like her, but she's engaged to Jimin. And now you're..."

You looked down at his arms around you. Nausea rushed over you.

"...You're using me to make them jealous."

His eyes flickered.

"I'm right, aren't I?" you asked. "Either you're trying to see how Jimin feels about me... Or you're trying to see how Nara feels about you."

He didn't say anything, still holding you in his grip. His silence cut through you. 

"I'm just a joke to you, aren't I? Someone you play pranks on, and mess with when it's convenient for you."

"I didn't mean –"

"Let me go, Jungkook." you said, squirming in his arms. "Let me go now."

"[Y/N], you're not -- "

You kneed him in the groin before he could finish. He hit the ground on one knee, moaning in pain.

"Don't come near me again." you said.

You stormed off the floor, and ran past the crowd.  

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