Chapter 31 - Kidnapped

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Jungkook eventually returned, only to give you the silent treatment for the rest of the game. As if this event wasn't boring enough.

You stood to leave.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook said, finally breaking his silence.

"To the ladies' room. Is that okay with you?"

You weren't really asking for his permission.

"You can't go by yourself."

"Well I'm not inviting you to come with me."

He rolled his eyes and waved for one of the guards to approach. "Not me. Gross. Henry, escort [Y/N] to the restroom and then bring her right back."

The guard named Henry nodded. You sighed, but complied. He escorted you to the restroom, waiting outside. Awkward.

Rinsing your hands, you got lost in thought. What would it be like if Jungkook and Namjoon were your brother in laws? Would it be bad? Would marrying Jin be so bad? He had always been so kind to you. You liked spending time with him. There was no doubt that he was attractive, and you hated that he was alone. But could you really be his wife?

No. You'd marry for love, not because of an arranged marriage. Jin deserved that too.

But those eyes and his laugh... It wouldn't be hard to fall in love with him.

A hand wrapped around your waist and face and yanked you backwards. You thrashed around, swinging your arms and legs to fend off your attacker. You turned around and slammed him into the sink, drawing a grunt from him. He let go only for a moment, then pain shot through the back of your head. You fell to the ground, your stomach knotting.

You looked up.

It was the guy who attacked you at the festival.

"You're so feisty." he said, panting and holding his side. "It would be cute if it wasn't so annoying."

"Henry!" you yelled.

The guy reached down to grab you, laughing. "Baby, he's not coming for you."

When he grabbed your arm, you kicked his leg out and jumped up. He was faster though, and grabbed you before you could escape. He slammed you against the wall. Your head hit the tiled surface, causing your knees to slack. He slammed your head against the wall again, and you began blacking out.

"Not this time, sweetie. Not this time."

He socked you in the stomach before putting a piece of duct tape over your mouth. You tried to fight back as best you could, but the room was spinning. Everything was going dark. You felt yourself forced to the ground, and your hands tied up. His mouth came close to your ear.

"Looks like you get to come home with me."

Everything went black.


Your head ached when you woke up. You were in someone's living room. There were a couple black and white chairs and a matching coffee table. Across the coffee table was a couch, where your assailant was staring at you, smiling.

Had he been sitting there watching you since you were unconscious? You cringed.

"Good morning, Princess." he said with a smile that made your skin crawl. "Welcome to our home."

You tried to sit up, aware that now your feet were tied along with your hands. You hissed as a sharp pain went through your neck and head, causing you to lie back down.

"Awww, are you hurt?" he asked, faking a pout. "That's a shame. I guess that's karma for the things you did to me and my boys. But if you'd like..."

He stood up and walked over to you, kneeling next to the couch you were laying on. He put a hand on your neck. "I can help with the pain."

You jerked your head away. "Keep the hell away from me."

He laughed, but tightened his grip on you. "You just don't have any manners, do you, Princess? Maybe if you were nicer, I'd let you go."

"What do you want?"

He shrugged. "A wad of cash and a house in the Cayman Islands. This country isn't my style. But I might get a little bonus if I get rid of you properly."

"Then why haven't you killed me all ready?"

"I'm still deciding what I want to do with you. I could simply ransom you for the money, but they'd catch me eventually. If I kill you, it doesn't benefit me any. But maybe if I sell you..."

You cringed as his fingers curled under your jaw.

"Who do you think would buy you, hmm?" he asked. "I'm sure there are a few good marketers..."

A door slammed. Footsteps pounded across the floor. Your assailant stood to greet the face they belonged to.

"Jackson! What the hell!"

The figure stepped forward and punched your captor in the face. He went down, hitting the coffee table.

You kept blinking, but what you saw didn't change.



A/N: Sorry, Jackson. I hope you don't mind playing a villain!


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