Chapter 16 - Trouble

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"I'm upset with the both of you." Jin said.

He looked too happy munching on his sandwich to mean it. He had sent everyone out of the room, leaving only you and Taehyung next to his bed as he lay and ate a large tray of food.

Taehyung held his head down in shame. "Forgive us, Your Majesty."

"If anyone in this castle is in danger, I should be the first to know." he said. "Understand?"

You both nodded.

"Now. Tell me what happened, [Y/N]."

You told him about the letters you got and the stranger that threatened you. His eyes were grave. He sighed.

"I wished this didn't come for you so early." he said.

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"It's typical for royals to be in danger. I'm sad to say that this probably won't be the only time you're faced with this kind of situation. But we'll do everything we can to keep you safe. I promise. Do you think you can handle it?"

You paused for a moment, then nodded your head.

"Good," he said. "Now, let's talk about more interesting matters. How is Jimin's birthday celebration coming along?"

"Almost finished." Taehyung said.

"Are you coming?" you asked Jin.

He shook his head. "I'm sentenced to bed rest for another couple of days. This cure is worse than the poison."

"What had poison in it?" you asked. "We all had the appetizers. We're all fine."

"There was the soup, too." Taehyung added. "Whoever it was probably added it to your bowl specifically."

All the color drained from your face.

"Jin..." you said, heart pounding in your throat. "You- you switched bowls with me at the beginning of dinner."

Jin's eyes widened. "That means –"

"—the poison was for me."

Taehyung grabbed you before you fell over, and sat you in the chair next to Jin's bed. Jin gave some orders to him, but you weren't listening. 

Someone had tried to poison you. Someone actually tried to poison you. This wasn't a game. Someone wasn't just messing with you. Someone was trying to harm you.

Who hated you that much?

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