Fanfiction Awards + Updates

16.7K 592 43

I can't believe it guys - 300,000 views! That's crazy! I love that you guys enjoyed the story. Don't worry - I'm still planning on finishing the His POV series once my other Fanfic, Marriage of Royal Inconvenience, is finished. Whose POV do you want next? 

Also, apparently there is a Fanfiction Award for 2018. If you like this story, consider throwing in a nomination for it at 

Nominations will be closed on Feb 25th, so HURRY.

Thanks again for all your votes and comments, everyone. It's been very encouraging to me! 

Some of you have been asking if I'll work on other pieces after this, and the answer is, I'm not sure. I actually finished writing a novel recently, so I'm working on finding a publisher. I'll let you know the progress on it in the future! :) 

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