Alternative Opening

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Hey, fam!

Alright, so here's the deal: I want to make The Seven Princes into a real book, but to do that, I need to change a few things about the original story. First, is all the names. I'll be changing those. (Defamation laws and all that.)  Also, I'm changing it to 5 princes instead of 7, because that lets me create stronger romance lines between the main character at the others. 

I hope you're not too disappointed. I won't be changing the story on Wattpad at all, so don't worry.

This is an alternative opening. It's up to you which one is better. If you like the original opening better, comment. If you like this opening better, comment. If you read both openings in a bookstore, which one would you take home to read more of? 

It's up to you!

Thanks for the 1 million reads!


Chapter 1 

"And this is the ballgown of the late Queen Cyline, who was said to be the most beautiful of all queens in our country's history."

I bet they said that to all the queens, you thought, wrinkling your nose at the poofy layers of red and gold lace on the dress in front of you.

Everyone in the tour group cooed, snapping pictures and taking selfies. You stood behind them with your hands in your pockets.

One of other tourists leaned in towards you. "You know," he said, "I heard an interesting rumor about the late queen..."

"Y/N!" the tour guide called over the crowd, walking towards you with her permanent smile. "What do you think about the dress? Wouldn't you like to wear a dress as lovely as this one?"

You cocked your head to the side, looking at the gown.

That was a lot of lace.

You shook your head. "I have a rule for all the clothes I wear."

"A rule?" the tour guide asked.

"Yes. I don't wear anything I can't roundhouse kick someone in."

The tour guide's smile widened, but it didn't go up to her eyes. "Well then!" she said, turning around quickly. "Let's continue!"

You followed the rest of the group around the castle. It was stunning, to say the least. Roman-style columns held up grand arches reaching three or four stories high, while gold and diamond chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Your footsteps echoed against the marble floor as you walked deeper into the Grand Hall.

"If you look towards the ceiling, you'll see the great history of our dear country," the tour guide said. "Starting with the first sunrise, to the building of the CyrusScraper, which is now the tallest building in the world. It brings in lovely tourists, such as yourselves."

"I came here for the food, actually." another tourist said next to you. "This country is known for its famous fish eye soup. We're actually going to eat it tonight in this very castle with a special guest! I wonder who it is? Can you actually believe it?"

"Fish eye soup, huh?" you replied, your voice going unusually high.

"Did you see the CyrusScraper?" one of the other tourists asked you both.

You nodded. "My major is architecture. My dad bought me a surprise plane ticket to come see it."

"Do they have fish eye soup at the Scraper?" 

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