Chapter 12 - If Only

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"What do you mean poison?" you asked.

"That's what they found in his blood stream." Yoongi said.

You, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Taehyung sat outside of Jin's room. Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin, and Nara were all inside. Hoseok couldn't stop pacing, and Taehyung stood like a statue. Yoongi sat next to you on the bench outside of Jin's door.

"But who would... why would they...?"

Yoongi patted your hand. "He'll be all right."

You shook a little. "Will he?"

Namjoon came out first. He opened his mouth to speak, pausing when he saw Yoongi's hand on yours.

"Is he all right?" Hoseok asked.

Namjoon snapped out of it and nodded. "They gave him the antidote. He'll recover, but he's pretty loopy." He turned to you. "He's asking for you."

"Me?" you asked.

Jungkook, Jimin, and Nara came out after Namjoon. You didn't bother asking them any questions. You rushed in, wanting to know if Jin was all right.

The door was shut behind you. Jin's room was rather plain for being the room of a king. It was still lavish –gold, green, and white tapestries; a massive walk in closet; a collection of books – but it was oddly empty. 

You approached the large bed on the side of the room. Jin laid there, his eyes closed and face pale. You couldn't help but put a hand to his forehead. He stirred.

"Jin?" you asked. "Are you okay?"

He looked at you through half open eyelids. "It's the pretty lady."

His words were all slurred together. He grabbed your hand and held it to his face.

"Keep it there," he said. "It feels nice."

You felt all the blood rush to your face. "Uh.. Jin...? Namjoon said you called for me?"

He took in a sharp breath, like he just remembered something. "Yes! Yes I did. I had something important to say to you."

"What is it?"

He looked at you with his big eyes and smiled. He then burst into a fit of high giggles. "It's a secret."

"So... you have to tell me something important, but it's a secret?"

He nodded.

"Can you give me a hint?"

He motioned you to lean closer. You did. He brought his lips up to your ear.

"It has to do with... elephants."

You raised an eyebrow. "Elephants?"

"Yes," he said, nodding enthusiastically. "I never learned how to wash one properly."

"O...k... Jin, I think I should probably let you rest..."

You took a small step back, only to have him grab your hand and pull you back. His hand held yours, warm and soft. His eyes locked onto yours.

"Stay for a minute." he said, almost whispering. "Just one."

You couldn't resist. You sat next to him on the bed, very aware of the way his hand was caressing yours.

"It's nice having a woman here,"he said. "It feels warmer, somehow."

You smiled. Even though he was drugged out of his mind, his compliment felt genuine.

"Do you miss your family?" he asked.

You thought about it and sighed. "Sometimes. I'm still mad at them, though."

He snorted. "Yes. You probably should be. They kept a lot from you."

You hummed in agreement.

"I'm glad you came, [Y/N]. I'm glad we met."

His eyes were shining as they looked at you. You blushed, smiling.

You patted his hand. "Me too, Jin."

"If only you stayed forever." he sighed, closing his eyes.

You then realized that this wasn't your parents' kingdom. This was Jin's. Once your father came for you...

Would you see anyone again?

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