Chapter 40 - The Truth

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Jin struck him across the face again. Jackson smiled, keeping his eyes on you.

"I didn't hire you for any of this, you bastard. You weren't supposed to lay a hand on her. Had I known you were like this, I wouldn't have asked Yoongi to --"

He trailed off, realizing Jackson wasn't listening. His eyes followed Jackson's stare up to you.

"[Y/N]..." he breathed.

You didn't say anything. You held Jin's gaze as you slid down every single step.

It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. Jin would never... He wouldn't...

Jin turned back to his guards. "Take him. Tell him of his fate when you put him in his cell."

Jackson shrugged and winked at you as the guards dragged him off. Jin rushed to you.

"[Y/N] --"

"It's not true." you said, your voice suddenly shaking. "It's not, right?"

His eyes dropped to his feet. He looked around the room, then grabbed your arm and pulled you into a side room. He shut the door.

"Tell me it's not true, Jin." you said again.

He stepped forward, his hands wringing together. "I want to. I want to say I had nothing to do with this. I want to say this isn't my fault, [Y/N]. I want to, but..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

"You hired Yoongi... to get rid of me?"

He exhaled. "Yes."

He might as well have stabbed you. It would have hurt less. You grabbed your arms to keep your hands from shaking.


His hands ran through his hair. "I hated the idea of an arranged marriage. My parents were forced to marry. I watched my father give everything to my mother, but she was never satisfied. She took from him, from me and my brothers, from the country itself. We were all destroyed because of her. I couldn't let another woman do what she did to my family or my people."

It hit you.

There were no other women here.

"My father's only regret on his deathbed was his marriage." he continued. "Then when I was told that I was betrothed to a woman who didn't even know she was royalty, I thought you'd end up like her. Like wealth and power would never be enough."

"So you hired someone to get rid of me?"

"No!" he exclaimed. "At least, not like this! A few threats until you reconsidered. Nothing more than the threats royalty gets on a normal basis. You would have faced it sooner or later, but I thought I could scare you upfront and get you to leave. But... after meeting you... and everything that happened... And when I found out that bastard had touched you..."

"Everything was an act?" you said, your voice increasing in volume as you continued. "The letters, being chased, even arresting Yoongi? What about the poison? Was that an act too?"

He nodded. "Yes. I faked the poison. I faked it so well that my nurse thought I was really poisoned and gave me a real antidote." He stepped forward. "I wasn't acting that day. That was real. I swear to you everything I said to you that day was real."

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