Every Badboy needs someone to make him good

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"Sam, are you done? You're going to be late." I heard my mom shout from down stairs.

I signed, I really didn't want to go to school. I was just going to be the new boy who changed schools in the middle of senior year.

I grabbed my bag and phone before going downstairs. I grabbed a pancake and my keys before saying bye to my mom. I looked at the clock and she overreacted I wasn't going to be late I still had 15 minutes.

The school was a block away and only a 5 minute walk, so I decided to be healthy and walk. When I arrived I had still 10 minutes to spare before I had to be at the principal office. I walked through the main entrance and into the school.

There are a lot of people here...

No shit Sherlock.

I looked around and decided to search for the office. I walked down the hall and past the lockers. I saw a lot of doors but none of them had principal office on it.

"Are you lost?" A girl with blonde hair asked, she looked like a nice girl and definitely had the looks.

"Um yeah, you could say that." I answered. She smiled kindly at me.

"I'm Devyn by the way." She said sticking her hand out. I smiled at her and grabbed her hand to shake it.

"I'm Sam." I told her while shaking her hand. Just when Devyn wanted to ask something a boy came up to us.

"Hey babe." The boy said to her while glaring at me. She smiled before she saw him glaring at me and rolled her eyes before she pecked his cheek.

"Hey baby, this is Sam he's new here and lost." She told him, the boy nodded still glaring at me.

"Dude calm down I'm not into her." I told him.

"Are you calling her ugly." He asked.  I swear this guy

"No, she beautiful but-"

"So you are hitting on her." He shouted.  I inwardly rolled my eyes at him.

"I would hit on her if she was a boy." I told him calmly, Devyn was grinning and me.

"I'm gay." I told him. Devyn giggled and the boy looked embarrassed.

"Right, sorry... I'm Corey, nice to meet you." He said, I smiled at him. He seemed nice just like Devyn, but also very protective over Devyn which was cute.

"Same to you. Anyways I'm looking for the principal office?" I told them.

"Oh we can show you we're it is if you'd like." Corey suggested, probably feeling bad for behaving the way he did, Devyn nodded approvingly. I shot them a thankful smile, before nodding.

They walked me to the office and the lady told us to wait. I talked with Devyn and Corey for a bit and they told me I could sit with them at lunch if wanted. I Thanked them and I agreed. Just when Corey opened his mouth, a boy walked out of the office.

He had brown hair and the bluest eyes, he wore all black clothes but it suited him and brought out his eye color. He eyed me up and down before walking past me, softly bumping his shoulder against mine. it was a friendly gesture almost, although it didn't look like it to the others.

I don't know why but I felt myself being attracted to him.

"That's Colby, he's bad news. Don't piss him off because he will make your life a living hell." Corey told me. I nodded slowly as I saw the boy walk to another boy before doing some kind of handshake.

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