Every badboy needs someone to make him good P.2

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THIS IS THE SECOND CHAPTER  OF "every badboy needs someone to make him good"!!!!!

I hate myself for that title... it's sooooo longg

Anywaysss after a lot of thinking I'd decide to make a part 2 instead of a book, because I would kind of ruin the story by making a whole book of it...

BUT, I am working on a new book!! Yay excitement! But without further ado, let get to it.



Sam's POV

**3 months later**

"I'll come to your house after school." Colby told me, he was going to skip the rest of his lessons to go out with Brennen.

"Noooo, Come to class with me it's boring without you." I whined, Colby just smiled fondly at me and shook his head. I always tried to convince Colby to go to the classes I had with him, which where not that much classes, so it usually worked.

"I'm sorry, I promised Brennen I would hang out with him. I can't cancel on him again, he already started to hate you." Colby told me, I just pouted at him and didn't say a word.

"Colby Brock to the principal office, Colby Brock to the principal office." Was heard through the speaker on the wall, that hung all around school. I looked at Colby and raised my eyebrow at him.

"What did you do now?" I asked, him.

"Uhh, I skipped detention a few times. Skipped to many lessons, and uh..I got into a fight.. again" he told me

"Alright, I'll see you later." I said while shaking my head at him, before walking away. I hated when he got into fight, and he knew that. We have had many conversations about that.

"Sam, don't be like that." Colby called after me, I just kept walking. I just want people to see the Colby I saw, the Colby I started to fall in love with. not the trouble maker everyone fears.

"Sam!" He called. I walked a little faster and quickly walked into the classroom. I knew people heard and saw us, but I didn't care. I knew they would make up rumors about it, people nowadays just don't seem to have a life.

The lesson was boring and went by painfully slow, Colby didnt show up which gave me mixed feelings. I was kind of disappointed but also relieved he didn't show up. I had a headache and just wanted to lay down.

I gathered my stuff and walked out of the almost empty classroom, I decide I would just sign out at the front desk and go home. After i did, I walked home. When I arrived home My mom wasn't there yet, but she could get home at any moment now. I went to my room and changed into sweatpants and one of Colby's shirt, he had left here.

I let myself fall on my bed and closed my eyes.

I woke up with a pair of arms wrapped around me, i turned around and saw Colby already looking at me.

"I'm sorry, I know you hate it when I get into fights. I'll stay away from them okay?" He said before kissing my lips repeatedly.

"Promise?" I asked. Colby nodded and pecked my lips again.

"Promise." He nodded. I smiled and cuddled up to him.

"Why'd you go home early?" He asked.

"Headache." I answered while closing my eyes.

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