Ouija experience

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This was an idea from @That_Fandom_Grl  so shout out to her!!


"Sam, Come on we need to go!" Elton shouted. I sighed and got up from my bed. I grabbed a backpack, putting some water bottles, a flashlight, blankets and a few snacks in it, before going down the stairs.

Elton told us this morning we were going to film an overnight video, he didn't tell us where we were going or why he wanted to go there, but we're kinda used to that by now. Elton always had crazy ideas, and liked to get us involved with them.

When I came down the stairs, I saw Corey and Amanda already waiting with Elton.

"Finally! Let's go!" Elton said when he saw me. I sighed as every one quickly followed Elton outside.

I didn't have a good feeling about this one. I looked at my watch not even surprised to see it was almost 1 in the morning. I sighed realizing this was going to be a long night..


"Are you going to tell us where we're going?" Corey asked, for probably the hundredth time since we entered the car.

"Nope." Elton simply said, everyone groaned loudly at that. It was getting annoying, normally he would tell us where we were going in the car.

"Well can you at least tell us if we are almost there yet?" Amanda asked.

"We're here actually." Elton said before parking the car.

Like I said I had a bad feeling about this, and that feeling got worse when I looked outside. The car was parked in a small park, it looked sketchy though. There where no street lights or houses, I don't think anybody even comes here anymore.

"Is it save to park your car here?" I asked, while we all got out of the car.

"Yeah it's kinda creepy here man." Corey said, Amanda agreeing silently while looking around.

"I don't know." Elton shrugged.

"Well where are we?" I asked. Elton once again didn't answer He just started walking toward the road. We knew he wasn't gong to tell us, so we just walked after him. After a few minutes we saw lights, which kind of relieved me a bit. we arrived at a long bridge, it looked familiar but I couldn't really put my finger on it. I probably  drove over this bridge before or something.

When we arrived a bit more to the middle of the bridge, Elton grabbed his camera but kept walking. He didn't say anything until he turned it on and pointed it to is.

"Alright, so I'm here with Amanda, Corey and Sam. I haven't told them this yet, but we're going to play with the oujia board tonight." Elton said.

"No we are not." Corey said. I didn't even try to argue with Elton about this because I know we are gonna have to do this either way.

"Oh yes we are." Elton said smirking.

"So we just gonna sit on the side of this bridge and play?" I asked. Elton shook his head. Corey and Amanda still didn't look all to happy with the idea of messing with the oujia board.

"We are going to play it by the bridge, I'm just trying to figure out how we get under it." Elton said simply.


"Oh you know why I want to go down there." Elton said smirking. I didn't really get it at first but then realization hit me. In the face.. hard.

"Because that's were they die, when they jumped off." I said. That bad feeling was getting worse with every word that came out of my mouth.

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