can you do me a favor?

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Colby's  pov

"That's cheating!" I laughed, trying to push Corey's hand away from my eyes. I eventually stopped to try and push him away, I instead kept playing without looking.

"How can you still be winning!?" He shouted in frustration, I laughed louder and schrugged.

"You're just really bad." I simply replied, I pushed his hand away for real now, catching him rolling his eyes at me. He sighed and leaned back frowning, I couldn't help but laugh.

"I want a rematch!" he shouted, my phone started ringing almost immediately as he finished his sentence.

"Why? It's not like you would win." I smirked before answering my phone.

"Hello?" I asked, Forgetting to look at the caller ID.

"Colby, I need you to do me a huge favor." I heard Katrina's voice say.

"What is is? Are you okay, I haven't heard from you in weeks." I slapped Corey hand away when he tried to push the buttons on my controller and glared at him.

"Um I kind of found a boy in the streets 2 weeks ago, he's really nice. But kind of feminine? He probably had a really rough past, but that's not why I called. You remember when I told you I needed to go to London for a month?" She asked.

"Uh yeah? But wait, you brought a strange boy home? What the hell katrina, he could be a murderer!" I slapped Corey's hand away once again, mouthing "stop it" when he kept trying. Corey just laughed and kept pressing buttons on my controller.

"Colby you should've seen him, his clothes were ripped as he was covered in bruises. But he's really sweet trust me. Anyways, I need you to look after him until Im back from London."

"Hell no! I do not want to "look after" a stranger boy who could be a murderer or a psychopath for all we know!"

"Come on colbs, it's a young boy, he's probably only 17 years old."

"You don't even know his age for sure?!"

"Stop judging colbs, that's not like you. He looks 17 maybe barely 18. And he's not really a talker.. i don't think He even know how to count." She mumbled the last part but I was able to hear it anyways.

"Alright I'll do it but what is it that you're not telling me?" I asked. She didn't reply, I could hear rumbling in the background. I rolled my eyes at Corey who stole my controller and was now making himself win. I laughed as he still struggled even without me Playing against him.

"Sam don't touch that!" I heard Kat say in a distances, before a crash was heard.

"Sam!" She shouted.

"Okay Colbs, I'll text you later, think about it, yeah? I need to go!" And with that she hung up. I looked at my phone, making sure if she really hung up on me. Yup.. ok then. 

"What did she want?" Corey asked, pausing the game. He probably already gave up..

"she needs me to look after someone while she's gone." I told him. Corey nodded and gestured towards my controller. I clicked start and we played another round of Mario card. Corey kept falling of off the rainbow course, and yelled at me for it. I didn't even do anything to make him fall off.

Message from, Kat:
The boys name is Sam, he's 17. Has a little trouble talking and just needs someone to care for him. Please look after him, you're the only one I trust with him. He's really sweet, I promise! You probably won't even notice he there when you sit him down in front of the tv.

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