No stockholm syndrome p.2

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I've been here for 2 weeks now..
I stoped crying after my first 3 days of being held captive here.

I get 3 meals a day, and somethings a snack, there's a bathroom attached to the room I've been in the past weeks. I also have a big walk in closet in here, full of clothes. it could've been way worse, but that didn't make it any better.

I miss my family and friends, and I haven't seen the guy that kidnapped me since he brought me in here. I've only seen his face once, and I can't get the image of him out of my head.

There just something about his eyes, I only looked into them once but I see them every time I close my eyes.

Everyday I wake up, get out of bed and wait for my breakfast to be shoved underneath the door and into the room. I eat it before walking to the bathroom. I do my business, and get into the shower. I brush my teeth and get dressed into some comfy clothes.

There's also a big bookcase full of books and comics, so I usually read those to make the time go by faster. At this point any kind of activity is fine.

I read until my lunch is pushed into the room. Then I just do nothing and read a bit more until dinner. I usually go to bed immediately after.

That's what my days looked like, but today was different.

After I was done showering I Found a note in my bed.

We're going outside today.

Was written on the paper in cursive neat letters.

I was confused, and for some reason also excited. I'm mean can you blame me? Ik. Going outside for the first Time in weeks. Although there was a big change everything would go downwards form here...

I grabbed the clothes that were laying on the bed and got dressed. I didn't even car that someone was inside the room while I was showering.

I didn't know what to do when I was done, so I just decided to wait

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I didn't know what to do when I was done, so I just decided to wait. I didn't know why or what I was going to do, but I guess I'll find out soon.

I just sat down on the bed and waited.

I decided to entertain myself by reading the book I've been reading the past 2 days.

About 10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. After a moment it opened slowly until the boy I couldn't get out of my head, stepped inside.

"Uhm hi" He said, although it sounded more like a question.

I nodded at him and stood up slowly.

"Uhm I was told to take you outside?" He asked, I nodded and walked towards him slowly.

I wasn't sure what was happening, the boy looked shy and almost insecure. And what did he mean by "I was told"

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