Part 2

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Just as he opened the door someone  burst in, shoving Colby aside.

"Sam can I talk to you for a second." Brennen said not even giving me a chance to respond because he was already shoving me out of the room with him.

I looked at Colby who looked annoyed, I smiled at his cuteness until Colby was out of my sight.

Brennen pulled me into my own room.

"You need to back off Sam!" He said gritting his teeth.

"Of what? What are your talking about?." I asked confused. Brennen grabbed me by my collar and pushed me agains the wall. I winced as my back hid the wall.

"Colby. I know you know i liked him from the beginning, and you still decide to steal him away from me." Brennen said, a little louder.

"Steal him away? If you wanted him all to yourself why did you introduce him to me?" I asked while pushing him off me.

Brennens face became even angrier as he grabbed my collar tighter in his fists before shoving me into the wall again, much harder this time. I felt the air getting knocked out of my lungs, causing me to have trouble breathing.

I tried stop myself from slipping into panic mode, that would only make things worse.

You know that feeling when you fall on your back or you get a punch to the stamach, and you can hardly breath for a moment or two? Well that is what I feel now, the only problem with me is that when that happens I immediately jump into panic mode. It brings back memories from my child hood, memories that kind of traumatized me which caused me to have panic attacks.

I could feel my self slip into a panic attack when Brennen repeatedly slammed me against the wall. It's been a long time since I've had a panic attack, that's also why I stopped taking the medication to prevent myself from getting them. only Corey and Elton know about it, Besides my family of course.

I tried to even my breathing, but that was difficult because I was being slammed into a wall over and over. I didn't get the chance to properly take a deep breath.

I started hyperventilating, which for me meant I couldn't fight against the panic attack anymore. My legs became jelly, and I fell to the floor not able to hold my self up. Brennen let go of me and watched as I practically collapsed. I felt the the floor with a loud bang, I started to feel myself being pulled under. I couldn't think straight I couldn't see through my tears that were streaming down my face.

I could hear Brennen say "what the fuck" faintly in the background.

"What the hell happened!?' I heard a voice say, everything sounded like I was underwater. I was getting more and more trouble to breath again.

I could feel two arms wrap around me.

"I don't know!" I heard Brennen say

"He's having a panic attack." Colby said more to himself then to Brennen.

"Sam? Sam listed to my voice okay?" I heard the Colby say.

I felt my hand being placed on a warm chest, I could feel the steady heartbeat.

"Focus on my heart beat and my voice, alright?" I felt myself nod, before I was pulled On his lap.

"Breath with me, babe." Colby said calmly, before breathing loudly wanting me to do the same.

My head laid on his shoulder, The familiar smell of Colby's cologne hit my nose. I listened to the soothing words, as I breathed the same rhythm Colby was breathing. I could feel myself slowly calming down.

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