Break ups and Hospitals

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Again I have nothing against Kat, I love how she makes Sam so happy. I just love writhing about these kind of situations.


"Sam I'm going to Chelsea's." Kat told me I nodded. She walked out without even looking at me, I sighed.

Kat has been very distance lately, she's only the Kat she normally is with me when I'm vlogging or filming. I don know, maybe she doesn't want to be couple anymore or something.

I decided to text Colby.

C=Colby S=Sam

S: colbyyyyy?
C: yes?
S: I need your advise.
C: about?
S: Kat ...
C: alright, spill.
S: I don't think she wants to be my girlfriend anymore...
C: what? Why.
S: she's been hanging out with friends a lot and she doesn't even acknowledge me anymore... it's like we went from being a couple to complete strangers. The only way I can get her to act like we did before is when I'm vlogging or filming...
C: you tried to talk to her about it?"
S: no..
C: And why is that?
S: I want to move back in.
C: talk to her first.
S: I miss you.
C: you saw me yesterday?
S: I know, but you always know what to say and how to calm me down.
C: I'm coming over, You always talk like that when you're really Sad or crying.

I didn't answer because it was true, I am crying. I really though Kat was the one, the one that could love me unconditionally. But I guess not..

I laid down on the couch and cried into a pillow. Before I heard the door open, I looked up and saw Colby looking sadly at me. I stood up and stared at him.

He smiled sadly and opened his arm for me to Walk into, Crying on his shoulder.

"Come on, we are getting something to eat. We need to get your mind of off it, and you look like you haven't eaten in a while." He said while wiping my tears away. I nodded slowly, agreeing. Colby put his hand on my back before softly pushing me out of the door with him.

I texted Kat in the car saying I was going out with Colby and the boys for a while. She just simply texted me, "Ok" . Colby picked Corey Elton and Aaron up on the way, before driving to Panda Express.

It actually helped, and made me smile again. We decided to head back to their house and We talked for a and joked around with each other, until late.

"I'll bring you home." Colby offered, I smiled thankfully before saying goodbye to all of them.

"Thanks again, Colby. I really needed that." I told him. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Anytime, Sammy. Talk to her, yeah?" He told me, I smiled thankfully before stepping out of the car. I walked to Kat and I's apartment, before walking in.

It immediately felt wrong, something was wrong. That's when I heard sounds coming from Kat and I's bedroom. I quietly walked to the door, Not sure who was In there. that's when I heard Katrina's moans mixed with someone else's.

I could feel my heart break at that moment. I used the last courage I had to open the door, but regretted it immediately after. I felt the tears welling up, when I saw what was In front of me.

I met Katrina's eyes, and she immediately stopped with everything. The guy was covering himself with the blankets when he saw me.

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