We keep this love in a photograph

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This was an idea from @PurpleBeesAreBae so massive shoutout to them, I hope you'll like it!


Sam's POV

"You just need to tell them. You can't keep hiding who you really are." He said firmly. He wasn't wrong I couldn't hide myself anymore, I need to tell them. Only problem is, how will they react...

"What if they're going to hate me?"  I asked, knowing that they wouldn't in any way react nice to the news I was about to tell them.

"if they don't react like you want them to, you can just go somewhere else. you fly back to LA around midnight, so it not like you have to stay there. I'll be there with all our roommates to comfort you, If anything even happens." Corey told me, trying to calm me down a bit. He had a point though, it's not like I would be stuck with them for another week or so.

"I'll them them at dinner, I need to go now." I said looking at the the video I still needed to edit.

"Call me after you tell them, love you man."

"Will do, love you too." I said, before hanging up. I sighed and rested my head on my desk, this is going to be a long night...

I finished editing my video, saving it before opening my YouTube channel page, I set a timer for tomorrow afternoon so I was sure it would be uploaded tomorrow on time. I sighed loudly before shutting my laptop, I grabbed my backpack and put my laptop in it, together with my charger.

I needed to be prepared for any reaction I could possibly get, I packed all my stuff and took them down stairs. I placed them next to the front door, so If something did however go wrong I would only have walk away and take my stuff to the nearest bus stop.

"Sam dinners ready!" I heard my mom shout. Alright Sam this is it, just make sure you keep breathing. you're leaving tomorrow morning, so if anything goes wrong you just leave. I told myself over and over, After my little pep talk. If you can even call it that, I had gained enough courage to go into the dining room. I took a few deep breaths on the way, and put on a fake smile on my face.

When my mom was making our plates ready, and my dad and my brother Ben were already seated at the table. I sat down across from my dad not wanting to be close to him.

My dad has always been a homophobe, my mom always followed him in that a bit. I knew the risk I was taking by deciding to tell them I'm gay. I was sure my mom wouldn't react angry or anything, it was just my dad I was scared off.

The whole dinner I couldn't say a word, nor could I bring my self to eat. I was trying to collect all the courage I had in me, maybe I just shouldn't tell them.

"Are you alright sam? You're awfully quiet." My mom said looking at me, making my dad do the same. I swallowed, I should tell them now right?

Alright Sam, this is the moment. You need to tell them now.

"Um, actually... I- I uh need to tell you guys something.." I said, I could hear my voice shaking. My mom put her hand on mine, which kind of made me feel better. It felt like my head was exploding with all the thought and possible reaction I could get.

"You can tell us everything, sweetie." My mom told me, squeezing my hand gently. I knew she would think differently about what she just said, after I've told them. My dad still hadn't said a word, I think he kind of knew what was going to happen.

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