Not stockholm syndrome p.3

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I saw Colby again 2 weeks later, He was all beat up and almost every night I could hear his screams.

I was so happy that I could finally see him again, after worrying about him all the time.

We went to the garden again and talked for a bit. After that we could meet each other all day for 2 weeks straight.

We've gotten close, we even were allowed to have a sleepover in my room one time. It was nice.

Today I was sitting on my bed waiting for Colby to arrive. But I didn't expect to see the man instead of Colby. I was scared and worried. I was worried about Colbs, there's a lot of things that could have happened to him.

We arrived in the kitchen where Colby was sat with faded bruises on his arms and face. It hurt me everytime I saw Colby with a fresh pair of bruises.

I sat down next to Colby grabbing his hand immediately, giving it a gentle squeeze.

The man looked like he was about to say something but was interrupted by a loud bang, coming from outside.

The man looked At us before standing up, he grabbed Colby by his arm roughly, making him squeak, and wince painfully.

He turned to me and signaled me to follow. I did as told, not wanting to leave Colby alone or find out what would happen if I didn't obey him.

The man threw Colby into his room, I followed after quickly to make sure he was okay. Just as I knelt down, the door slammed shut behind me.

I looked at Colby with wide eyes as he did the same. We quickly stood up and ran to the window, seeing police cars standing in front of the stairs.

I only noticed then that Colby held his hand against the back of his hand. That's when I saw the blood.

"Shit Colby you're bleeding." I said, but Colby shook his head.

"Not important, we need to get out of here!" He whisper shouted. We opened the window, but the window was made so you could only open it up to 3 inches or so.

"What do we do? If we shout the man will punish us both." Colby said. I swallowed thickly at the though of being punished in any way.

"We can't do anything." I said as the tears formed in my eyes. Colby nodded slowly and looked down.

I walked to the attached bathroom and searched for something that can help Colby with his blessing head.

I eventually found a band aid kit, I walked back to see Colby sitting on his bed staring out of the window.

I sat behind him on the bed and disinfected the wound on Colby head before wrapping a bandage around his head.

I kissed the spot softly and mad Colby lay down on the bed. Colby immediately cuddled up to me as a did the same.

"We're getting out of here, right?" Colby asked, he sounded broken.... again. Every time he get a little happier something happens to break everything up again.

"I hope so, colbs. I really do." I couldn't promise him we'd get out of here because I didn't know, I really didn't.

Colby fell asleep not long after that. The only Moment he looked peaceful was when he was asleep, and sometimes even that peacefulness was broken by a night mare.

I closed my eyes just as the door was kicked open, i jumped and pulled Colby closer to me, who was now awake because of the sound.

Colby was now in my lap, head buried into my neck as he whimpered. I pressed my lips in his hair, keeping my eyes on the door opening.

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