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This is a request from @That_Fandom_Grl so shout out to them!

******NOT EDITED**********

"Lucasssssssss?!" I whined. Shoving my laptop of my lap, letting it slip onto the ground. I was writing a stupid essay, I knew I could've started earlier. I had the whole summer to do up, but I was lazy and started only a few days ago. Luke was supposed to help me, but he's been on his phone ever since I came here.

"Stop calling me that! It's not my name!" Luke told me glaring from where he was laying on his bed, texting god knows who. I smiled at him sarcastically, sitting up from the ground and going towards him. I jumped onto the bed, landing on Luke in the progress.  Luke grunted as I landed on him.

"Will you go to the party with me? Please?" I asked pouting. Luke rolled his eyes, gently pushing me off him.

"Go by yourself, you've done that many times already." He said.

"But it's less fun without you!" I pouted, trying to convince me.

"Oh please you'll just be with your boyfriend all night anyways." Luke argued.  I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Just please! I haven't seen Colby since summer vacation started, What if he doesn't like me anymore!" I whined. Luke just rolled his eyes at me once again.

"You guys texted right?" He asked while standing up from his bed walking to the small kitchen, that you really couldn't really call a kitchen. It was more a mini fridge with a stove and  a counter with a magnetron. He opened a mini fridge grabbing 2 cans of soda, before walking back up to me.

"He did in the beginning but it stopped after a while." I told him honestly. Luke didn't say anything for a little bit.

"Well He was traveling around in New Zealand right? Maybe he didn't have WiFi everywhere?" I knew he was trying to cheer me up, but it wasn't working.

"Just tell me if you want to go or not." I eventually decided to say. Luke sighed, dramatically letting him self fall back on his bed. He groaned mumbling things I didn't understand.

"Fineee." He sighed dramatically.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I squealed in a not at all manly way. Luke just laughed as he shook his head at me. We both decided to get ready, my essay long forgotten. I quickly walked home, which was literally next to Luke's house.

I decided on black skinny jeans with a simple shirt and a cute jacked. Luke walked out of his house in all black, with his signature leather jacket. His shirt was low cut and his jacket sleeves were rolled up, showing off His tattoos on his collarbones, arms and left hand. He may look bad ass but he's an actual puppy on the inside.

"You look hot." I commented. Luke just gave me a smug look.

"Back off Golbach, I know you want a piece of this ass but sadly for you I don't swing that way." Luke said, winking at me.

"Oh please, drunk Luke wouldn't agree with that." I winked. Luke's face changed to shocked.

"What do you mean? What did I do!?" Luke asked, his eyes wide. I just laughed. Walking to the garage and towards his car.

"Let's just say You're a lot less "straight" when you're drunk." I smirked, before walking into the garage. Luke caught up to me quickly, we got into Luke's car and drove away. We drove to the beach house one of my good friends parents owns. He threw party's every last Friday of the months, everyone made sure to attend the party as it was always the talk of the week the days after.
I almost ran out of the car when we arrived, the party hadn't started yet but I always help with setting up.

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