Found you

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"Hello?" I said into my phone.

"Please tell me your not back at the abandoned house." I heard Corey's say, I rolled my eyes and stepped out my car.

"Colby?" Corey asked.

"What? You didn't want me to tell you, so I didn't." I answered, with a smirk on my face.

"Stop playing! Come back home, asshole."

"I lost my SD card here somewhere, and now I'm getting it. I'll be home when I'm done." I told him.

We just filmed an exploring video, and a lot of creepy stuff happened. Corey being Corey is scared I'll get possessed or haunted by some spirit, Anyways I need the footage.

"you saw the sleeping bag and everything, Someone lives there. You heard those noises. You just don't mess around in that place and on top of that, it's 12pm Colby why couldn't you wait till it's morning?"

"Because I need to upload the video tomorrow and I haven't edited it yet. But I need to go I'm going inside." I told him.

"No! You could get kidnapped or something, come home." I rolled my eyes, and walked into the house.

I didn't feel creeped out like I thought I would, so that's a good thing.

"Bye Corey, see ya later." I said before hanging up, not giving him the change to respond.

I put my phone back into my pocked and started searching around for the card. I couldn't find it, so I decide to go upstairs.

I walked up the creepy stairs that looked like it could collapse any moment. It missed a few steps but you could still easily go up.

I walked around for a bit until their was only one room left. I walked in and saw my card laying on the ground in the middle of the room. I grabbed it an noticed the same sleeping bag laying in the corner of the room, like I did a few hours ago. Only this time there was something in it.

Two fluffy ears were sticking out of the sleeping back. I walked up to the bag slowly and kneeled down next to its sleeping form.

When I got closer I could see it was a hybrid. It's rare to find hybrids in this world. Most of them are experimented on or used as slaves by rich people.

I looked at the kitten boy, he couldn't be older than 17. He looked short which was common for hybrids. He also looked like he hadn't eaten in forever.

He looked small and fragile, like he was from glass. I felt the need to protect him from all the mean people in this world, I've seen a lot of stories about hybrids being abused. I decided to be stupid and wake him up, risking the chance that he could point a gun or a knife at me.

I softly shook his shoulder, until I was met by ocean blue eyes. He whimpered and crawled back against the wall, with fear in his eyes.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, little one." I said softly, he looked uncertain but stopped trying to get away.

That's when I saw the collar around his neck, it looked old and the phone number was scratched out. I looked at the silver chain, it was old and rusty. The name that was once on it was now unreadable.

"Whats your name buddy?" I asked smiling kindly at him.

"...S-sam." He answered In a whispered, after a moment of just looking at me.

"Well Sam, what are you doing in this place all by yourself?" I asked softly.

"M-master didn't w-want Sam a-anymore." Sam said sadly, I smiled sympathetic smile at him.

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