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My heart goes out to all the victims and their families in Manchester.
this world really is fucked up...


Colbyyy!!!" I heard brennen shout from down stairs, this is the fifth time he shouted for me already.

I was getting ready to go to the grocery store, and asked Brennen to join me. I couldn't find my phone and also couldn't find a shirt so it took me just a little bit longer than usual.

"Stop being inpatient!" I shouted back laughing

"Don't use that tone against me young man!" Brennen shouted back jokingly.

"Alright, dad!" I joked back as I started walking down the stairs.

"That's daddy for you!" He said, I laughed loudly before we both walked out of the house.

We walked to Brennen's  car and stepped in before driving to the grocery store.

"Well what do you need?" Brennen asked as we entered the grocery store.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the group chat for groceries. My housemates and i are all to lazy to write everything down, so we decided to just sent a text when we are out of something or almost out of something.

"Uh.. milk, eggs, butter, flower, I think he meant flour but I'm not entirely sure... bread, cheese and cereal... oh and condoms?" I said surprised.

Brennen chuckled and nodded. We took a shopping cart before walking around trying to find

I ended up texting Aaron about if he meant flower or flour, but I ended up getting both. I was kinda surprised they sell flowers in this store.

We just needed to get the milks when, I heard a pained cry. I looked at Brennen before we both quickly walked to where the sound came form.

When we reachedd the right aisle, and saw a boy probably our age being beaten. Brennen and I  quickly walked up to them. We saw the man say something to the boy before walking away. I kneeled down next to the crying boy, he wore a pink sweater with princess on it and white skinny jeans. He looked cute.

"Are you alright?" I asked, the boy nodded slowly and looked at me with wide eyes. His eyes his eyes and cheeks were red, with tears still streaming down his face.

"H-he l-left Sam." The boy said pointing to himself. Okay so his name is Sam.

I held out my hand for him to take, when he did I pulled him of the ground.

"Who was that man?" Brennen asked.

"T-that was sams master, he don't want Sam anymore." Sam said frowning. I looked confusedly at Brennen, master?

"Do you want to come with us for now? I'm Colby and that's Brennen." I told Sam, he smiled softly before nodding his head.

We still had to get milk so we walked towards the right aisle.

"Um Colby? I think I get why he called that man master." Brennen whispered to me, while pointing at Sam's back. That's when I saw his tail, wait so he's a hybrid?

I looked at Brennen and shrugged, not really caring that Sam's a hybrid.

When we got everything we needed we payed and got back to the car, Brennen drove to my house so I could put the groceries away.

Sam was kinda clingy and stayed close to me, I didn't mind though it was kinda cute. We walked inside and were met by Corey, Devyn, Elton and Aaron. Sam immediately grabbed my hand I felt his tail wrapping around my arm as he hid himself from the others.

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