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Sam's POV

I walked out of the apartment, holding back tears that were about to spill from my eyes. I decided to break up with Katrina. It wasn't like I didn't feel anything for her anymore, it was more like I felt like she didn't feel the same for me anymore. I was the only one trying to make this relationship work..

I walked up to my car, just sitting there for a moment. I let a few tears fall before I took a deep breath and made myself stop. I drove by a McDonald's ordering a milkshake before going home. When I finally arrived home, I wanted nothing but just lay in bed and sleep. I opened the door and was met by My housemates Corey and Elton.

"Sam where have you been man? We called you like a hundred times?" He asked, he looked excited for some reason. I raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I found a boy/kitten on my way home, His name is Colby. I found him behind the dumpsters, he can't really walk properly And I'm not sure if he can talk..." Corey told me.

I blinked a few times, trying to progress what Corey just told me.

"Don't get mad, I couldn't leave him there! you know what people do with hybrids these days." Corey began explaining. I nodded slowly not knowing if that was a good idea.

"Well, can I meet him?" I asked Corey. Corey nodded his head quickly and smiled at me excitedly.

"Yeah he's in your room, but he's very shy and scared of almost everything. And he has bruises and cuts all over his body, he probably is abused by his old owner.." Corey said. I rubbed my temple, I could feel myself getting a headache. I just wanted to lay in bed and do nothing, Corey's fast talking is getting annoying to.

"Wait, did you say my room? Why is he in my room?" I asked annoyed. Can't I ever just chill without my roommates doing weird stuff and bringing strangers into my room?

"Yeah I don't know, he kept going to your room he seemed less scared in your room." Corey explained, oblivious to my annoyance.

I followed Corey to my room where he softly opened the door. I peeked inside, almost ready to just walk In and get the boy to leave so I could get my well night of sleep. The boy was small, which I expected since it's common for hybrids. He had his tail wrapped around himself, while he was curled in a ball on the foot of the bed. I noticed he was wearing my sweatshirt, He looked adorable. 

I changed my mind, I'm not kicking the boy out I'm kicking Corey out so I can go cuddle with the boy.

"What was his name again?" I asked.


I walked into the room and sat down in my bed, watching the sleeping hybrid in beside me. I saw that Corey skillfully cut a hole in his sweatpants for Colby's tail. His hair was messy and still wet, probably form showering, he had two furry brown ears resting on his head. the tip of his left ear was black just like the tip of his furry tail.

Colby steered in his sleep, curling up, making him look even smaller. He kept moving before he slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times before looking around. He immediately sat up, moving away from me. Corey stood beside me and smiled at Colby, who was now looking at him. Colby visibly relaxed when he saw Corey familiar face, moving toward him.

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