Popularity doesnt make happy

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"Colby!?" I heard my mom shout from the living room.

"Yeah?" I asked while walking down the stairs.

"You ready for school?" She asked. I nodded while walking into the kitchen, I grabbed the pancakes my mom made for me and shoved them into my mouth.

I looked a the clock to Check the time.

Looks like I'm gonna be late...

I shoved the last pancake into my mouth before grabbing my wallet, phone and keys putting them in my bag.

"Bye mom!" I shouted.

"Have fun sweetie!" She called back at me, before I stepped out of the door. I got into my car and drove to school.

I was kinda known as the trouble maker, I get in trouble a lot... I guess it's cool to get in trouble or something, because I kind of became popular. For some reason i keep getting in trouble, most of the time I don't even notice myself doing it.

I love pranking people especially teachers, So that could maybe also be a factor in this as wel.

I parked my car and stepped out, before walking into the school. I went to my locker and was immediately met by one of my best friends.

I smiled at him as he walked up to me.

"Hey man, what's up?"  Sam asked while bro hugging me.

"Nothing much, what about you? How was your summer?" I asked him.

"Good, good. I mostly hung out with friends." He said smiling, I smiled back and nodded

"How was Kansas?" He asked.

"You know, the usual. It was fine." I told him. Sam nodded, before it was time for class. We separated ways to class. I sat in my usual seat, putting my bag beside me so no one could sit there.

I looked around for a bit, before grabbing my phone. Everyone looked the same, some kids looked like they were wearing fake tan... but other than that the usual.

"Colby, Put your phone down." The teacher said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Only because you asked so nicely." I said sarcastically, while leaning back in my seat.

The teacher scolded at me, while everyone else was laughing.

I felt my phone buzz before I even could put it away.

I texted with brennen, we started dating a few days before I visited Kansas. We going to keep it a secret for a bit because we didn't want people of think differently about us.

Brenny♥️: meet me in the toilets.

Colby: on my way.

I texted back before I stood up and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Where do you think you're going?" The teacher asked sternly, as I was walking towards the door.

"I'm gonna take a piss, wanna join?" I asked sarcastically, before walking out. I could hear laughing coming out of the classroom, but I ignored it. People really laugh at anything these days.
I kept walking until I reached the toilets, I walked in and found brennen already waiting for me. I smiled at him walked up to him.

he smiled at me and hugged me and hugged him back.

"What's up brenny?" I asked, smiling.

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