Day care

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"Darcy come here we gotta go!" I called for my 2 year old daughter, Darcy. She wobbled over to me, from where she was sitting in front of the couch.

"Cawn I bwing coco wif me too?" She asked while holding her stuffed koala in her arms.

"Sure, but make sure you don't loose him." I told her and put her coat and shoes on her, together with her little bag.

While I drove to the day care, Darcy was singing on the top of her lungs. I put on her frozen sing along cd and she was now singing let it go, but in some kind of toddler language.

We entered the building, and I put Darcy's stuff away like I did every day. I noticed Sam walking up to me,
Sam is one of the day care teachers.

He was became my best friend since I saw him almost every day. Darcy was really fond of him, no wait let me put this differently She literally adores him. And I kinda do too although I would never admit it. He comes over almost every weekend to hang out.

Oh and I Also may have a tiny little crush on him...

Darcy smiled brightly at Sam.

"Sammy!" She shouted. Sam smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Hey, love!" He smiled. He then turned to me, we bro hugged with Darcy in between us which caused Darcy to giggle.

"Well I need to get to work, Be nice princess." I told Darcy giving her a kiss on her forehead

before saying bye to Sam.

He smiled at me, and then I walked out.

Okay so here's a little back storty, about me having a The 2 almost 3 year old daughter at age 21.

I got a girl named Emma pregnant at age 18, we weren't a couple at the time we were drunk and hooking up and I ended up making her pregnant.

Yeah, Not my brightest moment...

We decided to raise her by ourselves and made a little deal kinda thing. I would take Darcy one week and she would take her the other week, and so on.

We developed feelings for each other after a few weeks of doing so, and we ended up dating. But then One day she just stopped showing up, I was very worried thinking of all the things that could have happened to her.  A few days later I got a letter from her saying she was in college now. In England... I live in America..

Of course It pissed me off, for a long ass time. but I knew I had to care for Darcy and give her the best child hood she could wish for. I used all of my college money to care for her and got a job in my best friends fathers music company, He was like a father to me and I was like a second son for him.

He also encouraged me to get full custody of Darcy, just to be sure no one is going to be able to take her from me.

**a few hours later**

When I arrived at the day care I walked inside and straight to the playroom because I knew all the toddlers were playing there at this time. I looked around and saw Sam picking up Darcy who was laughing loudly. I smiled and walked up to them.

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