It's not working.

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Cali's P.O.V

Nothing was working. I couldn't get pregnant. Today we we're going to the doctors to see if something was wrong with me. "I'm scared, What if I have like cancer or something and its preventing me from getting pregnant." I whispered to Sam as we sat in the waiting room. Okay I may have been over exaggerating but I was really scared. They called us back and I sat there nervously while the doctor was doing some test. When he came back to the room he sat down and sighed.

"Cali, so the reason you're having trouble conceiving a child is because well lets just put it that your chances of having a child are close to impossible." My jaw dropped.
"So I cant have kids at all."
"Well I'm not saying that but its a one in a hundred chance. It's not likely to happen. If I was you two I would consider adoption. I'm sorry."
"But I don't want to look into adoption I want to have a kid."
"I'm sorry Cali but you may have had a chance if you hadn't had a miscarriage. I'm not saying it's completely impossible but it's very slim." I stood up and stormed out of the doctors office.

I sat in the car and cried to myself. "I'm sorry babe." Sam wrapped me in a hug when he got into the car.
"I just wanted one kid. That's all." I cried to him. 
"I know you did, Just calm down. Don't get yourself all upset about it. We'll figure it out." I nodded wiping my face with my sleeve. When we got home I went straight up to the room and laid in bed and pulled the blankets up to my face. I felt the bed sink down next to me and Sam's arms wrap around my waist. He pressed small kisses to my cheek and neck, whispering how much he loved me into my ear. He tried anything to make me happy but nothing was working. I just wanted to lay in bed and cry my eyes out. "Do you want something to drink or eat?" I shook my head no and he got up and kissed my head before walking out of the room.

I picked up my phone and dialed my grandpa's number. I hadn't really talked to my grandma or grandpa since the wedding.
"Hi papa." I said as he answered the phone.
"Hi sweetie, How are you doing."
"Oh I'm good, everything is....good." I said a little more silently.
"No something's wrong, I know my own granddaughter better than that. Now come on tell papa what's wrong."

"Well today I went to the doctors and they said that there is a very slim possibility of me having kids. I guess I'm just a little upset."
"Don't worry sweetie. If it's a slim possibility then there's still a chance. Remember what papa always taught you."
"If you really want something dream big and keep praying." I said with a smile. My papa always knew what to say to put a smile on my face.
"That's my girl. Now what are you going to do?"
"Keep praying."
"Now why don't you get some sleep because you sound really tired. I'll talk to you later baby girl."
"Bye papa, I love you."
"I love you too." I hung up the phone and cuddled back up into the blankets. I closed my eyes and did exactly like my papa said.

 ~Two Months Later.~

Cali's P.O.V

Honestly I just gave up hope on have the baby. I didn't think it would happen, but today was different. I hadn't been feeling myself lately, I've been feeling weak and sick a lot. I decided to stop at the drug store on the way home and pick up a pregnancy test, just for fun. I paid for it and walked back to my car. When I got home I went to the bathroom and took the test. I wasn't as impatient as the first time so I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV and forgot all about the test.

Maybe an hour or so later I had to pee again and when I was finished I went to wash my hands and remembered about it. I picked it up and it had a little plus sign on it. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing it right. My heart started racing and my eyes filled with tears. My breathing turned into deep breathes. "Sam." I said running out of the bathroom. "Sam." I screamed running down the hallway.
"Cali, what's wrong." He said rushing out of the bedroom.
"Cali calm down." He placed his hands on my arms and steadied me. "What's wrong."
"I took the test and I. I mean it cant be right. They said it could happen."
"Cali." I looked at him and he had concern expressed on his face.
"I'm pregnant." I said handing him the pregnancy test.
"Oh my god. Cali we're going to have a baby." Sam screamed picking me up.

A/N: HEYYY BEAUTIFULS. I hope you like it so far. I'm not quite sure how it is. But yea soo. Love Ya.


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