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Cali's P.O.V

"Hello." I said answering the door to a lady in a suit. "Can I help you."
"Are you Mrs. Cali Pottorff." I walked out on the porch and closed the door.
"Yea. Is there something wrong."
"Do you know a Tessa Branson." I nodded. Why would she want to know about Jackson's mom.

"We have some terrible news. It seems Ms. Branson had cancer and she recently passed." I covered my mouth in complete shock. I tried to keep the tears in. "She was aware she was going to pass and made it very clear that you were supposed to get soul custody of Jackson. She also put in her will that she left you $10,000 to take care of him." I nodded again and pushed back the lump in my throat.
"Yes of course I'll take care of him. Where is he." She motioned for me to follow her to her car. She opened up the back door and Jackson sat there with tears running down his face. I knelt down to his level when he climbed out of the car and engulfed him into a huge hug and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I picked him up and the lady handed me his bags. I thanked her and took Jackson in side of the house, sitting him on the couch.

"I'll be right back bud." I gave him the remote to the TV and walked into the other room to call Sam.
"Hey baby. Is everything okay." He said cheerfully into the phone.
"Sam, Um remember my little brother Jackson."
"Yea. You went over there nearly every weekend. Why what's wrong." He asked more concerned.

"His mom died of cancer and she gave all custody rights to me. He's sitting here now and I don't know what to do. What if he doesn't understand what's going on." I said completely breaking into tears.
"I'll be home soon. We'll figure everything out. I love you and I'll see you as soon as I get home."
"Okay. I love you too." I hung up and walked back out and sat down next to Jackson.

"Yea baby." I said pulling him on my lap and wiping his face.
"When is my mommy going to be home." It broke my heart that he was so young and he didn't understand anything that was going on.
"Not for a while sweetie but everything will be okay. She's back where she belongs." I kissed his forehead and cradled him.

By the time Sam got back Jackson was playing on the floor with some of his toys. I got up and hugged Sam. "Where is he." I pointed over near the corner. "We'll make it through this."
"Tessa gave me money to take care of him. He needs a bed for the night. Can you go pick one up with one of the boys. I can take everything up to the room next to the nursery and that can be his room."
"Yea. I'll call Kian and Ricky. Do you want someone over here so you aren't alone."
"I want Connor over here. He's good at stuff like this. He helped me through my miscarriage." He nodded and called them while I went over to Jackson.
"Hey buddy. Wanna come help me get your new room together." He jumped up and grabbed my hand.

We walked up to the spare bedroom and opened up his bags. I took out the clothes and folded them, placing them neatly in the dresser that was in there. "Sam went to get you a bed so you can sleep in here tonight okay?" He nodded and placed his toys in a bin. Fifteen minutes after Sam left to get the bed Connor walked into the room.
"Hey, you okay." I got up off the floor.
"I think I'm going to be okay. I'm just worried about him." I said pointing at Jackson who was playing with a couple race cars.
"I think he's going to be fine. He just needs someone there for him when he starts to understand everything that's happening. He's going to need his big sister." I smiled at Connor.
"I know. Its just going to take me a while to get used to everything thats happening myself. Now I'm going to have two babies to take care of." I placed my hand on my stomach.
"You'll do fine." He said pulling me into a hug.
"Cali come play with me." Jackson waved for me to come over. I sat down on the floor and picked up a car. I made little noises and played with him.

"Sam's back with the bed." Jackson screamed running from the window, he had been perched at waiting for Sam to get back, and opened up the door.
"Hey little man. You ready to go set up your bed." Sam took the box upstairs and came back down, giving me a kiss. "He's going to love it." Sam said sitting next to me.
"Cool its a race car." Was all you heard from upstairs.
"You better not keep him waiting. You go get that set up while I cook dinner."

I stood up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. I put some water on to boil and put spaghetti sauce in a pan to heat up. I set the table and finished making the spaghetti. "Boys time to eat." You could hear eager footsteps running down the stairs and they soon were at the table with big smiles on their faces.
"It smells really good beautiful."
"Yea Cali its smells really really good." I made them each a plate and then my own.

"Do you want grape juice or apple juice." I asked Jackson. He swallowed the food he had in his mouth before answering.
"Apple please." I poured him a glass of juice and wiped his messy face. "Thank you." He said taking a big drink.
"Goodness you eat just like Sam." I said laughing and looking at Sam who had sauce all over his face to. I wiped his to just like he was five and he kissed me.
"Thank you baby." I sat down so I could eat.

"Cali we almost got the bed done." I picked up the plates and glasses and placed them in the sink.
"Yea. Can we go finish it Sam?"
"Sure." I ran the dishwater and started washing the dishes.

"Dinner was great by the way." Sam snaked his arms around my waist and whispered to me.
"I'm glad you liked it. Now go finish that bed before eager pants tries to do it by himself and ends up breaking something." I turned off the water and quickly kissed him before he walked up the stairs to finish the bed with Jackson.

Living In The Moment. (Sequel to Love For Cali)Where stories live. Discover now