Naruto!~Chapter 23

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~Y/n's POV and Present Day~

I grabbed a random board off of the S-class request board. Akina stood near me, waiting for me to explain the mission to her. As I read over it, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Sorry Akina, this only calls for one person, and they have to be strong. I don't think any other s-class mage would like to take this one, so I think this is left for me." I told her. She nodded, accepting that she would have to ask Lucy is she can stay at her place while I'm gone. I smiled at her while I walked over to Mira to get the page okay'ed. Mira nodded, and allowed to me to go on the request.

"Welp, I'm off to Konohagakure, the Hidden Village of the Leaf." I say to myself.

~Time Skip~

I found myself within the village, and outside of the room where the Hokage was with the many instructors. I fixed my clothing, and unruffled the folds of my sleeves, so I could like presentable in front of the very important man.

 I reached up, and knocked on the wooden door

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I reached up, and knocked on the wooden door. I heard a faint "Come in" from inside, so I took that as my cue to nudge open the door and poke my head inside. I gave a half closed eyed smile as I looked inside the room that was filled with many people who were my age or older. And the aura's they had proved that they were really strong.

"Hi! I'm Y/n L/n, the S-class mage that took the request that was sent to the Fairy Tail guild." I introduced myself to them. Many of the people, who weren't the Hokage, seemed shocked that someone who didn't use chakra would take part in this. The Hokage nodded to be, and gave me a signal that I could enter. I took a step into the room and closed the door behind me. I bowed down at my waist, as a sign or respect. The Hokage bowed his head a bit, before staring me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, but that request was saying for you to be the instructor of one of the groups temporarily until the original instructor took over, but we forgot to inform you that he had returned." He told me. My eye twitched because it had been a four day train ride to here. And, I know E/n had said that moving vehicles have no affect on me, but ever since the stress of Drake and my family have been put upon my shoulders, I can't control myself and I have motion sickness until I'm less stressed.

A couple people stared at me, worried if I would explode. "W-what?" I seethe.

The Hokage laughed. "I'm sorry, but so you don't have to travel eight days straight, you can be a helper to one of the instructors that has one of the most difficult groups." He told me. I slowly nodded.

"Okay, thank you. Why is it the most difficult?" I asked. A man that I assumed was that instructor, stepped forward.

"Because it consists of the best student, the worst student, and a student that hates the worst students and would kill to be with the best student." He explained.

"You poor man." I sympathize.

"And the worst students has the nine tailed fox sealed within him." He added. My eyes widened in horror.

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