New Beggining

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Today is my first day at my new school and I'm so nervous. I know that you must be curious as to why I'm so nervous? Well maybe first you should hear something about me. I'm a 17-year-old girl from London. Um, well we live in London, so whatever. I've got blonde hair and green eyes. I'm not very beautiful or pretty. I'm just an average girl from a public school. I live with my Mother, Father and my Brother of course. Oh, I forgot to tell you my name. See? I'm an egg... :D

My name is Destiny Payne. And my brother is Liam Payne. He's in a band, maybe you know it, it's called One Direction. I'm very good friends with the boys from my brother's band. They are so funny and sweet, I love them. But there is a but like always. But I hate Harry Styles. It's personal if you asked me. He bullied me at my old school for some reasons which are still unknown to me. He acts like a prick 24/7 But enough about him.

I used to date this one guy, his name was Josh, but I hate him now too. He was Harry's best friend see? Everything is about him. I dated Josh for about almost 2 years but then he broke my heart. He cheated on me and called me horrible names. It's his fault, why I'm not popular and lack self-confidence. I don't feel like I am pretty enough, he told that I'm ugly and that nobody will ever love me...and what did I do? I believed him. Now and Harry says those things to me and is hurting me too. He abused me, I had bruises on my body, but I made sure that nobody saw them. The Boys think that I am friends with Harry but think that we just dislike each other a little bit. They say we are like an old couple fighting, but that's not true I'm just Harry's slave.

Today is my first day at my new school. I changed schools because I got tired of all the bullying and hate that I was getting all around me. I couldn't stand Josh nor Harry anymore it's the end of their hate, hurt, pain and bruises. I hope it will be good here I really do. Also, I like singing and dancing, I play guitar too... It's like my secret life of course boys know about it though. They say I'm pretty good, but Harry, on the other hand, says that I suck. I know I'm not perfect, but I'm still a human that has feelings. And he is hurting my feelings by his crucial words and actions towards me.

This morning I got up extremely happy and of course I know why. I got dressed quickly and put on some mascara. I looked at the mirror one last time before exiting my room. I was wearing dark blue denim jeans and a big white sweater with my triangle necklace. I also had on my white converse shoes and brown leather shoulder bag. I looked pretty good If I do say so myself.

"Finally It's the beginning of something new" I said to myself and smiled widely.

"I haven't seen you so happy in years" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Liam. He stood in the doorway.

"It's good or bad?" I asked him and went past him to the kitchen downstairs. The kitchen's walls were in a light color and had few ornaments on it. In the middle stood table with chairs.

"It's not decided yet" he winked and sat down at the table.

"Morning" I said to my mother, who stood near the fridge and as she saw me she threw me an apple. I caught it and smiled at her thankfully.

"Morning to you too" she said. I grabbed some water and drank it then took my keys and went out the door.

"Good luck!" my mom yelled after me with Liam.

"Thanks. I'll need it" I said back and went out. Ah, fresh air. Smells like peace and a new beginning.

 Destiny on the side ————->

A/N: Hello!!! This is my new story! Well not so new, I already finished it at, but I am uploading it here, I really hope you will like it! It's my best one so far.

So how you liked this chapter? What do you think? Please let me know by voting and commenting :)

And sorry, if there are grammar mistakes, I will fix it in time :)) I guess it's all. Byeeee!!! xx

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