It's destiny to be together

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Previously in 'HEDE':

I mean, Des particularly took her like sister and what Mellisa does back? Go snogging Des's boyfriend. Just great friend she is. I can't believe. What will Destiny say when she find out? It won't be good. I mean it.

Destiny P.O.V.

"What do you want from me?" I asked Li angry. She woke up me so early today. I'm not a morning person.

"I know you angry, but come on, you need to do something! You can't lie in your bed all day!" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"And why is that?" I asked and lifted my head from the pillow.

"Cause you'll be sick. It's not good to lie in bed all day long" she said with mommy tone.

"K, mom." I said sarcastically and put my head down on the pillow. I don't feel like doing something today, to tired. And depressed I must say. Luke doesn't text me or call, I haven't seen him for 4 days. And Mellisa acting so weird, she doesn't talk to me and avoiding me. Something is bugging her.

And that Harry thing. I can't deal with it anymore, I can't hide that I have some feelings toward that boy. He just makes me feel different, with him I can be myself, not that popular girl from school. He knows all my story. I mean, he was part of it.

Louis now knows everything about my past, I think Harry has to big mouth. I hope he won't tell anyone else. Too much people knows my story, it's Harry, Liana, Louis, Mellisa. Yeah, I told Melly everything, I know I just met her, but she is like sister to me. I love her like one already.

How can you already see, my life is messed up. I have boyfriend, who doesn't talk to me, my new best friend avoiding me for some reasons, I have feeling to my ex-bully and now my other best friend aka sister pulling me out of the bed. Great life I got here.

I felt something on my bed and next thing I saw is me, lying on the ground with mattress on my head.

"LIANA!!" I yelled and heard her chuckling. "You think it's funny?" I asked, she nodded her head between fits of laugh. God, I can't be mad at her. It's my soft spot. And she knows it.

"Ok, girl get ready, we going clubbing with all boys" she said and I groaned.

"Come on, it will be fun" she said and I sighed. She smiled and went downstairs.

"I guess I'm going clubbing" I said to myself and chucked. I shook my head and stood up. God, I will need to tidy my room, it's a one big mess. I went to bathroom and undressed.

I got in to the shower and let warm water fall on my skin. It feels so good, I love showering. After showering I put on some matching underwear. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I put on my big jumper and went downstairs.

I need to eat something.

In the kitchen I saw all the boys sitting and talking. Liana was cooking and boys just fooling around. I smiled at this view and went to pick bowl with cereals.

"Morning boys" I said and they looked at me. They eyes were wide open. What is-? Then I remembered how I dressed, I looked at myself and then back at the boys. [PICTURE OF OUTFIT ON THE SIDE]

"Seriously?" I asked and rolled my eyes. I saw Harry smirking at me.

"Morning Des and you could dress up little more" Liam said, being protective brother, who he is. I rolled my eyes at him. I grabbed milk from the fridge and cereal from the top shelf. I mixed everything and started eating.

"So, you coming with us to the club today?" Louis asked and I nodded.

"Do you said Luke?" Zayn asked and I shook my head no.

"Why should I?" I asked more myself than him. He just shrugged.

"I mean he's your boyfriend and you going clubbing, where can be more hormonal teenagers guys" Zayn said. I gave him a look.

"You did not just say that?" I said to him. He shrugged again. I sighed.

"It's not like he will care" I mumbled, bad move. For my bad luck they all heard me.

"Why so?" Harry asked.

"He's been busy all the time and didn't call me or text" I said and looked at my cereal.

"Maybe he's have some ... troubles?" Liana said or I could say more asked. I just nodded and continued eating. When I finished, I put bowl in sink and looked at everyone.

"I'm going to change" I said and they nodded. I went upstairs and started searching for something to wear for club. Like always, I couldn't find anything. I heard knock on the door.

"Come in" I said and saw Niall coming in. I smiled to him. He sat on my bed and looked at me.

"Not to be rude or anything, but what do you want?" I asked. He looked nervous and sad.

"I wanted to talk to you about Liana" he said nervously. I sat next to him on the bed.

"You like her, don't you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, a lot. I mean, she's so beautiful and funny, sweet and caring. But she will never like someone like me..." Niall said and looked at the ground. I lifted his chin up, so he was now facing me.

"Look at me, Niall. You are best guy she could have. You are cute, kind and funny. You are beautiful too. And hot I must say" he laughed at this one.

"Don't you ever dare let you down, ok? You're perfect. She likes you too" I said and he smiled.

"Thank you, Destiny. You're best friend" he said and hugged me.

"OK, OK. Now go get her, lover boy" I said and he smiled. He went out and I sighed. I hope they get together soon, they need to. It's like destiny to be them together.

Oh, I just said my name in that sentence. It's weird. I laughed to myself and kept looking through my closet.


What ya thoughts people? :)

And please, keep your rude attitude to yourself. I don't want any hate comments towards my characters,  it only shows your immaturity. 

I by no means do not want to make any of you angry or mad at me by these words. But please understand me, I wrote this story few years ago and it is very special to me. So please, don't ruin it for me by commenting hateful or rude things, just keep it to yourself.

Okaaay, enough with sentimental shit.

Yesterday, I celebrated my birthday!! Yay. Naaah.

It was quite fun and all. Also I am so not looking forward tomorrow, it's school all over again. Gah, I don't like getting up early :/

When do you guys go back to school or university?

I think that's all I got for you today. Byeee

P.S. I will try to update tomorrow or even later today


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