Confession Of Love

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"Go get her" Liam said. I looked at him and smiled.

"I will" I said and went to downstairs. I knocked at the door and waited for her to open. I hope she will be mine soon.

Destiny P.O.V.

I was walking around my room and talking to myself. I know, weird. But I do it every time when I'm pissed off.Don't ask why, cause I have no idea!

"Stupid Louis, stupid Liam, stupid Harry... they think I can't handle myself... Ugh!" I threw my hands in the air.

"Why me? What's so bad he can hide?! He could just fucking tell me why he used to hate me and everything would be alright. But noo! He's just so egoistic, lying bastard! I hate, when everybody tells my what to do! Desty do this, Desty do that... Desty, it's for better, Desty it's for your safety. DID THEY EVER THOUGH ABOUT WHAT DESTY WANTS?!! NO!! CAUSE IT'S DESTY, SHE IS SUCH A CUTE, LITTLE GIRL WHO CAN GET HURT! JUST PERFECT!" I screamed out of my lungs, what boys could hear. Yep, that's my plan. I punched wall with all my strength. Bad choice.

"OWWWWW!" I screamed and cupped my hand with other. It hurts like hell! I looked at it, it was all black and blue. Shitzzz. My door flew open and Harry ran to me.

"What happened?" He asked. Worry in all over his face. Great, now they will think I'm truly a little girl who even hurts herself. Harry took my injured hand and looked at it carefully.

"Does it hurt?" Harry asked and I rolled my eyes.

"No, It's tickling me. Of course it's hurts, you idiot!!" I yelled. Harry gave me a look.

"Ok, ok. I understand. How did you hurt it?" he asked confused. I looked at the ground. Embarrassed.

"I- um.. punched a ....wall..." I said. It was silence for a minute but then suddenly Harry started laughing. I pulled my hand away and glared at him. He started laughing more and I groaned.

"It's not funny!!" I yelled. He looked at me with 'seriously?' look. But soon ended in laugh. I sighed and went to the bathroom while our little curly boy was still laughing like mad. I washed my hand with water and looked at it again.It won't heal soon. I sighed and bandaged my hand. Ok, it will be fine for now. I said to myself. I went back to my room and saw Harry... STILL laughing on the ground. I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed.

I looked at Harry and just couldn't not to stare at his beautiful eyes, jaw line, abs, body, curly hair. He was amazing. His eyes green like grass, body just perfect shape and those curls...

"Like what you see, babe?" Harry snapped me out of my minds. I looked at him confused. Then it clicked me, I was still staring at Harry. I struggled my shoulders and winked.

"Maybe..." I teased. I can't lie, I really like what I see. And the way he says 'babe'... just so... perfect. Harry looked at my eyes and suddenly became very serious. huh?

"Destiny, I wanted to say you this long me ago, but I was such a chicken. Now, I, Harry Edward Styles, want to confess my feeling to you. I'm in love with you, Destiny Rose Payne. I fall in love with you ages ago. I fall in love with your beautiful eyes, with your wonderful smile, what melts me every time you smile at me. I fall in love with the real you, not this girl, I fall with funny, caring, sweet my best mate's sister. I know I bullied you and hated, but I was... jealous. You picked Josh instead of me. I was hurt and thought that maybe hate can turn love down. But I was wrong, God, how wrong I was. When you started dating Luke, I thought you broke my heart again. I always loved you and couldn't see you with someone else. It just hurt me so much, I couldn't sleep, eat or be near you. I wanted you, but idea that I can't have you killed me a bit for a bit. I want to show you how I love you, I can't hide it anymore, it's to obvious. All I wanted you to hear it. I know, you maybe don't feel the same, I understand. Finally, who could ever love such a monster like me?" Harry chuckled and few tears ran his cheeks.

I saw pure love and sadness in his eyes. He wasn't lying, he was telling truth. I can't believe Harry love me, I mean The Harry Styles love me? ME? Out of all girls in the world me? I can't believe... And he was jealous? Of me? Incredible. I saw Harry turning around and walking away. I realized I haven't told him anything back and just looked at him with shock. I shook my head and ran after Harry. I grabbed his arm and spun he around. His eyes were full of tears.

"Harry... I-i do.." I said and smiled weakly at him. I was 100% truthful and honest now. I meant every word. Every letter. Every sound. I really do.

"You do what?" Harry asked confused. I laughed at his silliness.

"I love you, dumb ass" I said jokingly last word.






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