All I Needed To Know

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"This is my end of story" Girl whispered and train started beeping. Train's machinist was in shock, he saw girl right on the rail, she wanted to die. He tried to stop but it was late. Train was too close and it wouldn't stop. Machinist started beeping and showing to girl go off the rail and save herself but she wouldn't listen.

She just kept standing there with tear on her small rosy cheek.

Harry P.O.V. 

I ran down the streets, looked through all the shops and parks. She was nowhere to be found. What have I done? I lost her...

No. I will find her and she will be mine. Now for sure. I ran my hand through hair and looked around. Where she could be? If I would be a girl and I be heartbroken where would I go?

I think I would fall in the middle of the street and cry my eyes out. I won't be able to live. Oh, no. That's it! She doesn't want to live without me. Or I think so. What she done to herself? Where? Where she could go? School? No. She doesn't like it. Siblings? Nah, I don't think so. Friends? She wouldn't want to see anyone, I wouldn't. Could she flight away? No, she didn't pick anything. I don't know...

I am so frustrated and hopeless. I am in the middle of some nook and all I can see is old wagons and trains. Ugh.


I heard train's sirens. Why it's beeping so much. It never does such a noises. Just when...

Oh, noo. Please, say what I am wrong? Idea shot through my minds and I started shaking. I really hope I am wrong. I started running down the street to the Railway Station. I run and all our memories flashed back. How we met, how I fall in love with her. How I started bullying her, how heartbroken I was. How much pain I caused her. And lastly but not the least how I fell in love with her again and changed for better.  

I don't want to lose her again. I can't. She is all I have. I ran in the Station and turned quickly to the rails. I saw train going tracks in the tunnel. I ran outside and looked around. I saw familiar blonde haired head laying near tracks. My heart did cracking sound. No. I am dreaming. Please tell I am dreaming.

Destiny P.O.V.

I laid down on cold ground near the tracks. No, I didn't do that. I am too wimpy, I guess. Half me wanted to go out of this world, half didn't. I had brother, parents, my best friend, boys. I couldn't leave them, they would be heartbroken and angry at me. I can't do this to them. I love them to much. So, I just collapsed down on the ground and laid, just laid. I didn't heard anything, or felt.

Tear run down my cheek and I just laid there looking at the one point. When I stood there, on rails, all my life flashed through my minds. I saw all good and bad times. All my family, friends, Harry. I saw how happy I was with him and how I loved him. I saw all anger, guilt and sadness. Everything. From my born to this day. Everything seemed so blurry and easy. I didn't feel cold or wind. I just felt one tear rolling down with all my love and pain.

Someone ran to me and started shaking but I didn't know who. I didn't hear that he or she was telling to me. I wanted to be alone and lay here all my life. My eyes were glued on two small figures running around the field. I just saw boy and girl playing with the ball in the other side of the street. They looked so happy, their smiles told me so. I knew, they are happy. That's what made me smile. I knew that they are happy and it's all I needed to know. Last thing I saw is some dark brown curls and puffy eyes that I love so much, before darkness got over me.

Harry P.O.V.

I ran to the body and started crying. Blood was everywhere. She must had hit her head on the ground. She was looking at one point and a little smile was on her lips. I fall on my knees and started hugging her, kissing her head and crying out loud.

"NOO! Destiny! Can you hear me?? Destiny, hold on! You will be alright! Please just hold on!" I said to her, but she didn't pay attention. It looked like I am not here. Why, Destiny, why you did this? I saw her eyes close and small smile still on her lips.

"HELP! PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME! I NEED AMBULANCE! HELP!!" I screamed out my lugs. I looked at her peaceful face and buried my head in her neck crock.

"Love, please. Don't leave me, please. I love you, Destiny. Don't you dare leave me, I am good enough to you, I want you, just don't leave me now" I whispered to her. She can't leave me. Someone started pulling her of me. I looked and saw medicals putting Destiny into the ambulance car. I sat in too. I won't ever leave her alone, let alone run away ever again. Car speed fast to the hospital while I looked at the girl, what I can't live without.


I just got something in my eye, I swear, I am not crying...

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