Detention and mistakes

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"I said stop" I said calmly and turned to sleep. "You sleeping on the ground" I said but he still laid on my bed!

"Nope. I like here" he said and turned to sleep in his bed's side. I swear, I'll kill him.

I fall asleep thinking about Harry's kisses.

I woke up from beeping.

"Ugh... Shut up, you stupid clock!" I said and threw it in the wall. Well, I guess I'll need new watch. I sat up sleepily. School time, great.  Note the sarcasm. I got up and turned to look at Harry. He still was sleeping, lucky kid. Whatever, I went to took a shower, then did my morning stuff.

 I changed in jeans shorts, pink tank top and leather jacket. I put my black high heels on and put some mascara on and little make-up on my cheek. I looked last time in the mirror.

"Not bad" I said to myself and went back to my room. Harry was STILL sleeping. I need to wake him because he'll be late for school and will get detension. Wait a minute. I smiled evilly. You're a bad girl, Destiny. I quietly went out of my room to the kitchen.

"Morning" Liam said and gave me an apple. I love those fruits, if you didn't notice.

"Morning and thanks" I said.

"Where is Harry?" he asked. Shit. I need a plan.

" having a shower" I lied. He nodded and I heard horn outside. I smiled to Liam.

"It's my ride, Bye LiLi" I said and ran outside. There stood Luke's car. I got in the car and sat in passenger's front seat.

"Morning, love" he said and pecked my lips.

"Morning, babe" I said and we drove to school.

We got out of the car and went in the class. Chemistry was first. I sat in my seat and smiled to Li, she sat next to me.

"Hello, girl" she said.

"Hey" I said and put my stuff on my desk.

"How was everything yesterday?" she asked

"Better then ever could be. He's in my hands" I said and we both grinned.

"What you did?" she asked.

"You'll see. I have lots of plans for him" I said and she smirked.

"Good Morning class, turn your..." Mrs Legin started lesson. It was so boring, no one listened her.

In lesson's end, door burst open and we all looked at it. There stood Harry, catching air. I started laughing with Meg. Oh boy.

"I'm so-rry Mrs Legin, I-I over slept" he said and glared at me. Ups... My Bad.

"Mr Styles if you famous, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. We don't want others students to think you an exclusive, do we?" Mrs Leging asked and Harry shook his head.

"No, Mrs. It won't happen ever again" he said.

"Go sit, Styles" teacher said and Harry quickly sat down behind me. No detension? I need to fix this.

"I think Harry feels too good for others, Mrs Legin" I said loudly and she just nodded.

"Miss Payne, want something to tell us?" teacher asked. Is she stupid or what? I want him to get detension, is it too much to ask?

"I think Styles have to get detension, like others when they are late" I said calmly. All class 'oh'ed.

"Yeah, she's right. He's not exclusive" Luke said and I smiled to him.

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