Let the party begin

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Previously in 'HEDE':

I hope they get together soon, they need to. It's like destiny to be them together. Oh, I just said my name in that sentence. It's weird. I laughed to myself and kept looking through my closet. 

Destiny P.O.V.

In the end of long searching in my closet I found perfect match. And when I say long I mean long long LONG searching. I guess I will need to do shopping thing this week. I made my hair and done my makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror and smirked at my reflection.

I must say, I look good. I grabbed my heels and put them on. In the end I looked pretty. I smiled to myself and went out of my room. I went through hall to the stairs.

"Desty! Wait me!!" I heard shouting. I turned around and saw Li running to me with heels in her hands. I chuckled and watched her, she slowly put her heels on and stood up.

"Ok, now we can go" she said and we made out way to downstairs. We slowly walked down and saw all boys looking at us wide eyes and dropped jaws. I heard few whistles. We giggled and went past them.

"You will catch a flies, boys. Come on, lets go. I wanna to party!" I yelled at the end and they laughed. We headed at the car and of course there weren't enough seats for us. Louis sat in the driver seat, Liam in the passenger seat. Zayn sat in between Niall and Harry.

Niall tapped his lap for Li and she sat. They are so cute, awies. I looked at Harry and he pointed at his lap. I rolled my eyes and sat at his lap. Harry put his hands around my waist and pulled my closer to him. I can't deny, I liked his hands on my waist. They are so warm and gentle.

Snap it, Des. I sighed and leaned at him. I can't be with Harry, he doesn't like me and I have Luke, who doesn't even care about me anymore. Cool. My life is absolutely messed up.

I looked through the window and saw two kids in the playground. They were playing and laughing. So cute. I want someday to have kids myself and have happy family with boy I love. If I ever meet one, of course. I sighed again at my sad thoughts.

"What's wrong, love?" Harry asked. I looked up at him and shook my head.

"Everything is fine, I just a little tired I guess" I said and he nodded. He put his head on my shoulder and I felt his curls brush my skin. It tickled me. It felt so cute and warm. I chuckled and Harry smiled at me.

"What's so funny?" he asked

"Your curls, they tickling me" I said and he laughed.

"Can't help, love. They just like you" he winked and I rolled playfully my eyes at him.

"We are here" Louis said and we nodded. I hopped of Harry's lap and went out of car. We all went near entrance and security let us through. We stepped inside club and I smiled to myself.

Everyone was dancing or drinking something. Music filled all place. I could smell expensive perfume and alcohol. I looked at Li and we exchanged smirks. Oh, maybe I forgot to tell you guys, this club is our place. Sort off. We always go to this one with friends, so I can know few people in here, as DJ's and bartenders. I and Li turned to the boys and smiled. 

"Ok, we going to ... " Li started and looked at me. I think she doesn't know to end this sentence. My bother doesn't know we go in these pubs and clubs almost everyday.

"...Say hello to few our friends" I finished for Li. She smiled at me and mouthed 'thanks'. I smiled back and looked at boys again.

"Friends?" Liam asked. Here we go. They all had confused looks on their faces.

"Yeah, go have fun, boys" I said and turned to Li "Shall we?" I asked her

"We shall" she grinned and we went in the center of the dance floor. I looked at DJ stall and saw Aaron. I smiled to myself. . I went to him and waved. He smirked to me.

"Look, who decided to show up" he said and I laughed.

"Had some stuff to do" I said and he winked.

"Ah, I understand, princess. Wanna some fun?" he grinned.

"You know me too well" I said and he smiled.

"Too too well" he said and turned his microphone on. I turned around and looked at the dance floor. I saw all people now. Some were grinding and some just having fun. I saw boys looking at me confused and Li standing near me and grinning like an idiot.

"HEY HEY EVERYBODY, GOING HARD WE, YEAH?!" Aaron said through his microphone. People cheered. "WE HAVE SOME PEOPLE HERE, TODAY!!! DES CHAMP HERE!!" He said and all people cheered and clapped.

I heard some yelling 'Des!! Yeah, show us!' or 'I love her!!'. I smiled to myself. "DO WE WANNA SEE CHAMPION HERE TODAY??!!" Aaron yelled and everybody started screaming again.

I looked at the boys again and now they all had very confused looks on their faces. "GIVE SOME SPACE FOR THE ..... CHAMPION!" Aaron said and people walked back to give some space on the dance floor.

"They all yours" Aaron said to me and I smiled.

"Thanks Ar" I said and pecked his cheek. I heard music start playing and very slowly went in the dance floor. I looked at all people around. Some girls had dirty looks and other were grinning to ears. Guys were smirking at me and winking. Ew, not my type. Let's the party begin.

I started dancing. Not expected, yeah? I think so. I put all my energy in my dance and all emotions. In this club I danced usually, they call me champion cause in the battles I always win. I know what you think, bullied girl to popular clubbing girl? Yeah, you can call me this. I just liked to express my emotions by dancing, so yeah.. that's me.

After I finished, I breathed deeply. I looked around and all people were clapping and screaming, cheering. I smiled to myself and then met someones eyes. They weren't cheerful or dirty. They were shocked and confused. I looked better and saw..... Liam.



I didn't have much work today so enjoy this little update.

WHOA! What lil Liam will say to Desty? Hm...

Anyways, the dance video is on the side along with Destiny's outfit!! :))



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