For Better...

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"You do what?" Harry asked confused. I laughed at his silliness.

"I love you, dumb ass" I said jokingly last word.

Destiny P.O.V.

OK. To clear the air, we with Harry aren't official. You ask why? Um, let me think.

Beause he didn't asked me.

That beautiful and hot guy with extremely crazy curly sexy hair didn't asked me out. Ask why? For this question, I don't have answer to this one too. I said I love him, we made out and he's don't have balls to ask me out?! Or is this some kind of sick bet or prank too? I don't wanna get hurt again, I really love Harry. And I thought he loves me too. But for now, I don't see where his all love gone...

I was lying on my bed and thinking about all thing what happened to me these past few days. So confusing and happy things. It all drive me crazy. I just want to be Harry's girlfriend already. I know it sounds silly. I used to hate him. But I love him. Again. His beautiful curls and smile drives me crazy. When he looks at me I'm melting inside. His eyes so green beautiful. He's perfect. Just maybe I'm not so perfect. That's why he didn't ask me out? Cause I'm not good enough? Maybe it's true. Maybe he's too perfect for me. I'm just some girl, who he had bet on...

My thought were interrupted by knock on the door.

"Come in" I said. I looked at the door and saw Liam. I smiled weakly at him. Liam sat on my bed and looked at me. I saw worry in his eyes.

"Are you ok?" he asked and I nodded.

"I'm fine" I said and sighed.

"No, you aren't. Now please tell me. What's wrong?" he asked and I groaned. I looked at Liam and split everything out of me.

"It's Harry. He told he loves me and I told him I love him too. But he didn't ask me out and I didn't talk to him for three days. I don't know, I just want him to talk to me and say something. And not just walk away. I just told him I love him, and it's not even easy at all. I was waiting for those words very long and they really mean a lot for me. I just want to know, why he doesn't talk to me and didn't ask me out... That's it. I feel disappointed." I said and Liam nodded understandingly.

"Desty, I know what you mean. And really, believe me, Harry's not joking on you. He really loves you. And maybe he need time to think" Liam said and I looked at him in the eyes. Maybe he's right? But, what to think? About what? If he loves me, where is the problem?

"What time? What can he possibly be thinking of? How hurt me more? If he so loves me, so why he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend. Am I so hideous, and he's so ashamed of me?" I asked. I really believed in my words. I'm so insecure now. I don't wanna be broken again.

"No, sis, listen to me. You are beautiful, don't you ever let you down. Hear me? And for Harry. It's very hard for him. He though you hate him and don't love him and now you tell him, you are in love with him. And he thinks he doesn't deserve you..-" I cut Liam. What he said?

"DIDN'T DESERVE ME?!" I screamed and jumped off the bed.

"Is he insane or what?" I asked and Liam sighed.

"He is ashamed of what he did to you and thinks that you deserve better" Liam said and I had tears in my eyes. Did he really felt for me this? He really though he's not good for me? While I was thinking I'm not good enough for HIM? Oh god...

"Where's Harry?" I asked calm.

"In his room, crying" Liam said and I hugged him.

"Thank you for telling me, you are the best brother ever" I said and we pulled away.

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