That was my destiny

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Previously in 'HEDE':

Someone started pulling her of me. I looked and saw medicals putting Destiny into the ambulance car. I sat in too. I won't ever leave her alone, let alone run away ever again. Car speed fast to the hospital while I looked at the girl, what I can't live without. 

Destiny P.O.V.

Darkness. Darkness is all around me. Nothing more. I can't see a thing just black view. Where am I? What's this place? How did I get here? These questions ran in my head. I can't think straight. All I know is that I am in black place and that's all. I don't feel a thing. It's so cold and calm in here. No wind or sound. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Destiny..." I heard voice. It was so close but so far at the same time. I turned around but I all I saw was darkness. Who's there? Is anybody here?...

"Destiny... please" again voice called me. With that I felt push. Someone was dragging me somewhere. I didn't feel arms or human it was invisible power. It dragged me. It scared me. Suddenly all things flashed back in my head. Everything.

How I went to Harry. How he let me fall for him but didn't catch. How I ran away. How I stood on the rails. Little kids who were playing and were happy. Last thing before I passed out. And a horrible pain. Every tear, every heartbreak, every bruise. All things I remembered scared me, I don't want to feel them again. It's too much for me. That's why I wanted to end it. Maybe I did? Did I ended my life? Am I dead? New questions' wave came to me. But I couldn't think further. Someone dragged me in the light... That's when I opened my eyes.

Harry P.O.V.

I was sitting in hospital ward near my beautiful angel. Destiny. I watched her lifeless body laying in these cold sheets. Why? Why I let her do this? I love her... I love her more than anything in the world. I know it's cheesy but I really do. I can't live without my little princess. She means so much to me.

Why God, why she wanted to leave this world? Is it for me? Is it my fault? Did I make my love hurt herself? Am I such a monster? Why I keep hurting everybody? Why...

I took Destiny hand in mine. It fit perfectly like they meant to be intertwined. Tear slip down my cheek. She's so beautiful. Her curly blonde hair were perfectly laying on this blank pillow. Her beautiful eyes were closed, her skin was pale like never. Her chest was rising slowly up and down from breathing. That's all what makes me happy and hopeful. Her breathing. She breaths, she isn't dead. She can live again happy and with that wonderful smile of hers. 

I told Liam and the boys about Destiny. They are sitting right beside me with their girlfriends. Liana is also here, she is crying her eyes out like everybody in this ward. Liam was shocked, he just sits here and doesn't move. He doesn't talk nor he moves. One thing why we leave him be is tears on his cheek. We know it effects him much. It's his little sister we talk about. I don't know what about their parents, they are not here. Liam called them and they immediately took plane to come back here. I think they will be here any minute.

God, please don't take my girl.Someone pressed my hand softly. I looked up and saw Destiny. She was waking up! 

"Destiny!" I said and smiled really wide. Everyone jumped and run closer to look at waking beauty. Destiny looked at us with her big eyes with confusion in her face.

"Where am I?" she asked sleepily. I sighed, maybe she won't remember everything...

"In hospital. How you feeling?" Liam asked immediately.

"I feel sore, I guess." she answered and laid back on the bed. If you can call like one this thing. Doctor came in and looked at us all. It was she. Doctor was around 30 and had brown short hair with kind blue eyes. She smiled at Destiny and went to her.

"I see you woke up. How are you feeling? Any pain or strange effect?" Doctor asked her.

"I just feel sore. No pain" Destiny confirmed simply and doctor nodded.

"Ok then. Can I talk with her alone, please?" Doctor smiled at us and asked. We all nodded and went out. I closed the door behind and sighed. I hope she's alright.

Destiny P.O.V.

Doctor sat next to me and looked with small smile. I knew something it not right. I don't feel my all body. I can't move anything what is below my stomach. I can't even smell or see straight. I see everything in blur. I didn't want to scare Harry, Li or others so I didn't tell them. Doctor understood me. And I know she knows that I am not going to get better.

"What's with me?" I asked straight. I don't want to waist any time and listen all that 'you will be fine' shit. Doctor sighed then looked seriously at me.

"You had cerebral contusion. It's very strong contusion. This thing caused more complications. Your nervous system was damaged and that's why you can't do some thing. Like you can't walk and move your lower body. It's paralysis. You can't smell because nervous system controls that too. Over time you will forget how to talk, move your hands, listen, write and even think. Your body will shut down. It's called vegetation. Human becomes like a vegetable, it just lives but can't do anything. Just lay and all. Also from falling you broke few ribs and two of them are stuck in your side. If you try to get up or someone will push you, they will go into your system and will pierce your vital organs, such as lungs, liver and heart. It's time question when you won't be able to live." Doctor said. I simply nodded.

I knew I won't live. I will die. And I don't want to become a vegetable, I don't want to feel pity and pretend like I won't die in few minutes. Look! I can't even move...I started coughing like mad. It was so painful to cough. I put my hand on my mouth and started coughing again. It hurt to do it. I soon felt something in my hand. I looked at my hand. It was blood. I was coughing blood. What's wrong with me? I looked scared at doctor who smiled sadly. She gave me a tissue. I cleaned my hand and threw tissue in the bin right beside my bed.

"Your system refuses blood. It has thing to do with ribs and cerebral contusion." doctor explained to me and I nodded. So I guess that's all. It's finally the end. "We tried to help you. But we can't do anything. If we try to do you surgery we will move ribs and it can pierce your organs. Now it's all on you. If you want to keep living we will help you and give all attention you will need. But you would be stuck in the wheelchair and one position"

"But what if I don't want this?" I asked seriously her. Not one tear run down my cheek, not one scared wimp came from my mouth. I knew that's my destiny.

"Hibernation" she stated and looked at me with pity. I hate that look!

"Does it hurt?" I asked with sadness. Doctor chuckled.

"No sweetie, now everything we can do in peace. All apparatuses from you will be unconnected and  we will inject one dose in your blood system. And then everything will shut down." Doctor explained to me and I nodded. I made my decision.

"Please don't tell anything to my family or friends, I don't want them to know. They will try to convince me, I don't want that" I say to her and she nodded.

"I must get your parents consent if you aren't 18. Because this procedure is also classified as taking life. But I see you are 18 already, so I don't need that" doctor said to me. My birthday was yesterday. I almost forgot it. Oh my...

"And doctor?" I asked her.

"Yeah?" she asked me kindly and smiled.

"Can I say goodbye to everybody?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure thing" She said and went out with sad smile on her face.


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