Could it be a sign?

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Previously in 'HEDE':

Better going to sleep cause my brain will explore. Whatever, still Destiny doesn't let me touch her! She's such a tease. K, stop Harry thinking about her. Sleep time.

She's not that little girl I fell in love ages ago...

Today I'm going out with Luke. I don't know how it'll be but I hope with good end. We are spending day together, like movies night. He's such a sweetie. I got text message and checked it.


Hello, I'm coming in 20. See you soon, love xx

Aw, cute... I checked my outfit. It was short shorts with top and sweater on. I had my converse on too. I went downstairs and waited for Luke. After few minutes I heard door bell. I got up and went to open it.

I was alone at home because boys had an interview and stuff, they will be back just late at night. I opened the door and saw Luke standing there, looking perfectly fine.

"Hello" He said and I smiled.

"Hey, come in" I said and let him in. I shut the door and felt arms on my waist. I smiled and picked my head up to see Luke smiling like crazy.

"I missed you, love" he said and pecked my lips.

"Aw... I missed you too" I said and hugged him tightly. "Come on, lets get something to eat" I said and we headed to kitchen.

"How about pizza?" he asked.

"Sounds like a plan" I said and smiled. I went to call pizza delivery while Luke picked some movies. After all, I went to the living room and saw Luke looking through movies.

"What are we watching?" I asked.

"I thought about Scream and maybe Charlie's Angels?" he said and turned to me.

"And why we should watch it?" I teased him.

"Hmm... Maybe because during Scream you'll cuddle with me and angels cause you know, there are hot chicks" he said cheekily. I rolled my eyes.

"Then we watching Notebook and Titanic" I said.

"Why?!" he asked and faked crying.

"Cause it's romantic" I said in 'duh' tone.

"No, it's soap opera" he said and winked.

"It's romantic and sad, I could cuddle with you during it"

"Then OK! It's good with me. Didn't I say? I love those movies!" Luke said fast and fall on couch. He tapped site next to him, or I should say, on his laps. I laughed and sat near him.

"Oh, come on!" he complained. I stuck tongue to him.

"Very mature" he said.

"But you love me, babe" I said and poked his cheek.

"You know, I do" he said and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he his around my waist. We kissed and I didn't felt those feelings again like I used to before. Maybe because we kissed many times and I just got used to it. He slid his tongue in and we had full make-out session. We heard door bell and pulled away.

"Damn that pizza!" Luke said and annoyed. I stood up and went to open. I opened and there stood girl about my age. She had brown curly hair and beautiful blue eyes.

"Pizza Margarita?" she asked and smiled.

"Yes, how much it is?" I asked.

"It'll be 5.40" She said and gave me pizza. I handed her money and smiled politely.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Mellisa" she said and smiled again.

"I'm Destiny, nice to meet you" I said and that moment Luke came.

"Babe, what's took you so long?" he asked, then saw Mellisa and smiled at her.

"Well hello" he said.

"Luke, it's Mellisa" I smiled to her.

"Nice to meet you, Mellisa" Luke said and they shook hands.

They were staring in each other eyes and hadn't pulled their hands away. I looked at her and then at Luke. They were like stuck in the moment. He looked at her different than at me, it was like sparks were flying around them.

I cleared my throat. They pulled their hands fast away and looked around.

"OK... so... here's my number, call me sometimes, we could be good friends" I said politely to her and she smiled.

"Sure, have a nice day" she said. She turned and went out. I closed door and turned to look at Luke. He was looking at one point. I looked at him closely and waved in his face.

"Hello? Earth calling to Luke" I said.

"Uh?? What?" he asked and looked at me confused.

"Leggo to eat pizza and watch movies" I said and dragged him on the couch.

We ate and watched movies. We didn't talk much. I couldn't concentrate to movie cause I was deep in my minds. I though about Mellisa and Luke.

Could it possible, for no reasons and in a free way, be ... love sign?

Luke P.O.V.


Her icy blue eyes, brown curly hair...

She's so beautiful...

SNAP IT! Luke you have girlfriend!

Think about Desty! Destiny, Destiny, Mellisa...


I couldn't focus on the movie cause my minds were having  World War 3.

When I saw Mellisa I couldn't not to think about her. She was perfect. When I touched her, I felt sparks... No, fireworks and atomic bombs. How that even possible? I have girlfriend and like other girl? My head going to explore.

Mellisa, Destiny. Destiny, Mellisa. I can't. I love Destiny to death, I feel sparks when I kissed her but now something is off. I don't know what, but I don't feel the same way... Desty was and will be my best friend but now I don't feel those sparks.

What's wrong with me?? And Mellisa is such a beautiful and I felt those bombs, when we touched. I don't know anymore... One thought crossed my minds.

Could it possible, for no reasons and in a free way, be ... love sign?


DANG IT! How do you feel about this, people? Luke thinking about Mellisa when he's got Destiny? Naughty, naughty boy.



P.S. Mellisa's photo on the side ----------->

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