Standing up for myself

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"It's just... Ugh!... We can't! That's all! And I don't want Harry in my room, when I got back! Fix it and quickly!" I said and stormed out of the house. I walked fast by houses and people in street. Someone was happy, someone just hurried to works and meetings. Couples were kissing and holding hands. Others laughing and talking. People...

I walked to the familiar door and knocked. I hope she got up already.

After few seconds, Liana opened the door. She looked really sleepy and tired.

"Desty, what are-" she started but the noticed me crying. She immediately hugged me and let me in. I cried on her shoulder.

"Sorry, I ruined your top" I said and pulled away. She shook her head and laughed.

"Silly girl, I have tons of tops, It's alright. Now say your best friend what happened?" she asked. We sat on the couch and I told her everything, what happened yesterday and this morning. She was shocked at first but later it changed into anger.

"That motherfucker bastard did what?!" she yelled. I started crying more. "Oh, I'm sorry... Let me see that bruise" she said and I showed her my cheek. "I'll kill him by my own hands, I swear" she said and looked at me seriously. "Girl, you need stand up for yourself. Don't let him hurt you, for me, please. If he'll hit you again, hit him back and show him, that you are not weak" She was right. I need to stand up for myself more. I need to fight and be strong. He is not going hurt me again. I'll not let him do it. Whatever it takes to me.

"You know, you're right" I said and wiped my tears. "I just became happy and I won't let Harry take me down, not this time and not ever again"

"I'm so proud of you, love" she said and we grinned.

"Me too, me too" I said.

"What about I make some snacks and we watch some movies? Girls' day" she said and I nodded.

"It would be perfect" I said.

"Ok.. Give me one minute" she said and went upstairs to change. My phone beeped. I picked it up and saw that I got one new message from Luke.

From: Luke♥

Hello, sweetie:* I just wanted to say good morning to you :) xx

Aw, how sweet he is. I quickly replied him good morning and send it. Liana came back and grabbed my phone from me.

"Hey!" I screamed. She pointed at me.

"Girls day! No phones, boys and others" she said. I sighed. I know I will lose anyways. If Liana wants something, she gets it.

"Fine" I said and she grinned. Weird kid.

"Now, TO THE KITCHEN!" She screamed last part and ran like a superman. I started laughing hysterically. God, I love this girl. She's like a little Louis's copy. We cooked some pancakes and of course had food war. We laid on the floor and were laughing very hard. We were in food from hair to toes.

"I said I will win!" Li said.

"K,k. Berry jam" I laughed, she had berry jam all over her face.

"Haha Milky Desty" she said and pointed at my hair. They were all wet from milk. Oh God, it's so sticky.. Ew..

"I'm going to shower" I said and stood up. She nodded. I went to the bathroom and had a long shower and when I say long, I really mean it. I found some Li's clothes and put them on. It was a demin ripped shorts with studs on one side and a big cream coloured sweater. I went downstairs and saw Liana already changed and picking movies. I ran and jumped on the sofa.

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