Not that girl anymore

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"I think I'll like this detention" Harry grinned and went to put books in their place. I went to put documents. Well, it was really fun first day of detention. Oh, Luke... What I'm going to say him? Ugh... Just great.

I was laying on bed on my back and listening to the music. I had so much on my mind. Everything was so difficult and confusing. It has been almost a week since Library thing between me and Harry.

I hadn't told Luke or Li about it. I'm so afraid to loose them. And worst thing is that it wasn't the only time we did that.

 Don't judge me.

 I can't control myself. Every time we go to detention we end up like that time. We kiss, make-out and then go hating each other again. We're like enemies with benefits. Ugh... I don't know what is wrong with me?! He's my BULLY!  Oh well, ex-bully.

He didn't hurt me or hit because I don't let him. He saw that I'm not so lame and weak anymore. So it's just hate now. Everyone now know that we hate each other and they don't pay attention to it.

Luke and I still dating. He's so sweet, caring and all but I just don't feel it anymore, you know, sparks and stuff. I don't know what to do... It's so messed up.

I turned on my stomach and hid my face in the pillow. I screamed in it.

"AHHHHHHHH" I heard door open and shut. I picked my head up to see who came.

"What you want?" I asked annoyed. He's the last person I want to see now.

"Oh, what's wrong love?" Harry asked and smiled with that cheeky smile.

"You" I snapped and laid my head down again. I heard how he went near my bed and laid next to me.

"I'm going to shower" I said and got up. I don't feel like dealing with him right now.

"May I join?" he asked flirtatiously. I looked at him and glared. I shut bathroom door or may I say slapped. I turned water on and did my showering.

Good feeling. I put my underwear, it was black with pink details. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I looked around for my oversize top. Where I put it?

Oh, NO.

 I must have been left it in my room. 


 I looked at the mirror reflection. I look so damn hot. I changed so much from last year. I have now perfect body curves and tan. My hair perfectly fell on my shoulders. I have no bruises or scars, what I used to had. My body's like 90/60/90. I can't believe I changed so much. I smiled to myself and went back to my room. I particular threw all my wardrobe out. Where I put that top??

"Looking for this?" Harry's voice said. I turned around and saw Harry laying on my bed shirtless and holding MY top. I put my hands on my hips.

"What you think you're doing with it, Styles?" I asked rudely.

"Oh, feisty. I like it" he said. I rolled my eyes and went toward him.

"Give me my top" I said to him. He pretended to be thinking.

"How about... no? I like this view better" Harry said smirking and at 'this' pointed at my body. I looked down at me. I was still just in my underwear. I looked at Harry again and smirked.

"Take a picture, it will last longer" I said sarcastically. "Give my top" I said again. he rolled his eyes and said "No" again. He's starting to annoy me.

"NOW" I said angrily.

"Nope" he popped on 'p'.

"Styles, I need my top, give it back"  I said in stern voice.

"Then you have to take it yourself" he smirked. 

Haha, nice try, Styles. I'm not going to pull myself on top of you. In your dreams. Two can play a game.

"Then maybe I don't need it. Whatever Styles"  I said and pulled under the covers in my bed. My back was facing him. I swear, I felt him tense. I learned over those few make-out sessions that I have an affect on him.

He will regret taking my top. I felt him getting closer to me. 

Not today, Styles.

 I put my blankets behind my back, so my body was all covered. He couldn't touch me or kiss and all. I smirked to myself. Thats what you get then you got on my bad side.

"Oh, come on" he cried "You're such a tease" he said.

"No, I'm just pissed off, you can learn not to touch my clothes ever again" I said and heard him  groan.

"Night, Styles" I said and he mumbled something, but I didn't catch it. Oh, whatever. I fell asleep very quickly.

Harry P.O.V.

What's wrong with me?!

That freak, is so damn fit!

Can I slap myself?

That detention thing is so good. We always end up making-out and then just hate each other again. I don't know what's wrong with me? Every time she kiss me, touch me I feel that strange feeling in my stomach...


Snap it, Harry. You can't like her, she's a bitch, your enemy.

But I must admit she is so damn hot now. Her body, I mean just look at her! She's like supermodel! I can't describe it. I just need her! She's like my oxygen, drug! I can't without her kisses and touches.

I never felt like this before with any girl... Destiny is different, she's not like others... She has this school in her hands! All boys go down on their knees for her. And I can't stand that Luke guy. Ugh! I want to kill him.

De changed, she parties, goes clubbing and is kind of badass. She's not that fragile little girl, she used to be. And it's now more turn on. I just can't.

Asdfghjkl.. Better go to sleep because my brain will explore. Whatever, still Destiny doesn't let me touch her! She's such a tease. K, stop Harry thinking about her. Sleep time.

She's not that little girl I fell in love ages ago...


BOOM! didn't expect, did we? Harry loves Destiny? Or loved...

What you think will happen next? And I'm sorry for any kind of mistakes I make. English is my second language and I'm still learning. There are tons of grammar mistakes, I know. That's why I'm searching for editor, but that's ain't easy, people!

So, anyways, I hope you like this chapter and see you in few days!


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