My dream side

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I went into the building with "St. Carl London school" name on the side of it. The place was a huge building with red bricks. It was all so posh. I went through the corridors and headed to the principal's office. I knocked a few times at the door and heard someone say 'come in' so I opened the door and walked in. I saw the woman in early 40's sitting at a large desk. She looked like a very sweet and friendly woman. After some silence, she broke it.

"Miss Payne?" I nodded and she smiled "Please, sit" I obeyed her and sat down and looked around. It was so warm and light in here. So homey.

"Miss Payne, we are very happy that you decided to study here at our school. I see that you are a very good student and haven't got any warnings or strikes. Here's your schedule and I just wanted to say good luck and if you need anything you know I will always be here for you" I smiled and nodded to her.

"Thank you and I will" I said and she gave me my papers. It was my timetable. First lesson umm Social studies...Good.

"Now you can go" she said. I stood up and left the room. This school is enormous! There are so many halls and rooms I'll never find my class Oh, here it is 403 'Society'.

I went in the class and saw a few students already in there. They looked so in focus with their work that they didn't even notice me. I went to the teacher's desk and handed her my files. She looked at the papers then me. She read it and smiled at me with a warm smile.

"So, miss Payne. Good." she said and stood up. "CLASS! This lovely girl here is Destiny Payne she is the newest addition to the school so be friendly with her" the teacher said and looked at me and said "Go find a seat" I nodded and examined the room for an empty seat. I spotted a good seat next to the brunette girl and sat down, she looked very natural and calm. I put my things on the desk and sat in a silence.

"Hi. I'm Liana" someone broke the silence. I looked up and saw the girl sitting next to me talking and I smiled at her.

"Hey, I'm Destiny. Nice to meet you" I said and shook her hand. She smiled and turned in her seat to me.

"So, where are you from?" she asked me casually.

"From here, London. I am just from a different school"

"Why? You move out?" she asked confused.

"No. It's a long story" I said and she nodded. "What about you?" I asked.

"Ah, I was born and now living a life. I like to sing and dance" she said. I will like this girl. I instantly thought.

"I dance and sing too! And play guitar. What music do you like?" I asked her. Maybe we will be good friends.

"I like everything, but I really like The Wanted and One Direction! They are so hot! Don't you think so?!" she squealed. Ok, well this is awkward...

"Um, maybe? I don't know I don't talk about them like that" I said in uncomfortably.

"Wait! What is that supposed to mean?" she asked confused. So she didn't notice my second name. What 'm I going to do? I don't want friends just that my brother is famous.

"Ah, nothing. I just don't have an interest in them" I struggled. Good, she's not bothered :)

"Here's my number, I think we will be good friends" she gave me her number and I grinned. I really needed new friends and I'm so happy I got her as one. In my old school, I didn't have friends because Harry took care of it. He's is probably really angry at me right now because I quit the school but Whatever, I am not his punching bag anymore, He can't hurt me anymore no bruises or pain It's unbelievable.

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