I'm a monster

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"I'm going sleep. I'm tired" He said and went upstairs. I looked at Louis, who had same confused look on his face. What's up with them both? We just joked around. It's not that it will ever happen. I'm right... yes?

Harry P.O.V.

That all thing almost made me puke. I can't believe Louis almost found it all. We hadn't sex, so... but it doesn't mean that I don't want to. She's fit.

I went up to our room, I saw Desty already sleeping. I took off my shoes, jeans and shirt. I slowly laid on the bed beside her. Destiny was so fragile now. She looked so peaceful and calm. Her hair fell in her face. I brushed them off with my hand and smiled at her beautiful face.

Her lips, so kissable and pink. I wanted her so badly, she's my drug. I felt jealousy when she talked about Luke dude. I can't stand him. I know, I must look now like a lover, but I'm not. I'm just boy, who has addiction to her, her body, lips, kisses, touches. I want her more and more. I don't want other girl, I need her, just her. I kissed Destiny's forehead and smiled to myself.

"My beautiful drug" I said quietly to myself.

I know I used to call her ugly and worthless. I know I hit her, I know I bullied her. I know it all. Truth is that I was in love with her. I always was. One day, Josh asked her out and she said yes. I was so jealous, that she picked him over me. I wasn't friends with her, I was just boy in her class, who was in love with her.I couldn't watch her with him so in love and acting all lovey dovey.

I started hating her. I thought maybe hate could took over love and pain. With time I started hating her more and more, I bullied her. I stopped loving, I gave up. I didn't care if she's in pain or hurt. I wanted her to feel what I felt. I was angry at her.

I know, I didn't show her my feelings or love and it's all my fault. But back then I wasn't so mature, I was stupid young boy with loving heart. Now I know it and understand everything. I felt those feeling again. I don't want them, cause it just will hurt me.

She is with Luke and they are happy. She will never forgive me.

I wouldn't if I was her.

It's all my fault and I can't change it. I can try better, act way better, be better person but I can't change past don't matter how I wanted it. I know I messed everything and it's sucks. I'm too stupid.

I always see my feelings when she's taken. I can't love her, she won't love me ever back. So I just use all opportunities to be with her and touch her. I don't know if I can ever apologize to her, I'm scared she will reject me and pick someone else instead of me again... I'm not fearless.

I hate many fears and one of them is loneliness. I don't want to be alone, I want to find that only one and be with her. I need to find her. And I will find her. Whatever it takes.

Destiny P.O.V.

I went through corridor's to the Library. Yes, it's detention time. I went in and saw tons of books on the table. I sighed and put my bag on the chair. I guess it will be long detention. I started putting books and heard someone behind me.

"Hi Harry" I said. I knew it's him.

"Hey" he said and took others books. He started putting them too. It was silent for a long time. It wasn't awkward or anything. It was a good silence.

"How's your day?" he asked casually. He was polite. Something new.

"Same old. Luke. Liana. You. Detention" I said and he nodded. "And you?" I asked.

"Good I guess" he said and this time I nodded. There was a short silence again.

"Look, I-" we both started. We looked at each other. "You first" again we both said. OK.

"Go on" I said to him. I can wait, because my speech to him will take much time.

"So...I...I don't know how to start" he said

"How about? From beginning?" I suggested.

"Ok. I know I maybe will sound creepy or something. But whatever. I wanted to say sorry for everything. You know, hate, bullying and stuff. I know it's not going to change anything and maybe it's too late but I really wanted to say sorry. I really regret everything I did for you" he said and looked down. Wow.. Harry Styles is sorry. This day gets better and better.

"You know, you right" I said and he looked at me confused "It really doesn't change anything and it's way too late for apologizes. I went through all the hell for your fault, you picked on me, made fun of me, made my life living hell, bullied, hit, called names. Worst of all you took all my friends from me.. Josh cheated on me and started bullying too. Most important thing, I don't know why... Why you did all these things for me? What did I do for you? I need just this one answer" I said and saw few tears in his eyes. Am I dreaming or Harry Styles is about to cry over me?

"I'm sorry, you don't know how sorry I am. I just want to turn time back and change everything. But I can't. I'm a monster. I don't think you will ever forgive me, cause I wouldn't. But I'll do everything to get it. I didn't mean to hurt you too much, it was hard for me. I don't say you to understand but-"

"UNDERSTAND??! Are you now seriously think that I can understand or forgive you?? You messed up my life, hurt me, trampled tu dust! I can't ever forgive you! You right! You can't change it! You did it and I will never forget it! Hard for you?! Do you hear what are you talking about now?! How can you say this?! The one victim here, is ME! Don't you dare say it was hard for you, don't you dare! You laughed at me! How can you say it was hard!?" I yelled, now I had tears in my eyes too.

"It was hard! You don't know how I felt! You don't know why I wanted to hate you!" he screamed.

"Then tell me! " I screamed."Tell me, why do you hate me so much?"  I said quietly. He looked at the ground.

"I can't...I just can't..." he said and ran out. What's just happened?


Daaamn. Harry, you one messed up person. 

So what you think, chumps? What will happen next? Why Harry didn't tell truth? Let me know in the comments below!



Peace! ^

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