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Previously in 'HEDE':

I looked at the teacher and my eyes met some green familiar ones. No, it can't be true. What is he doing here?? He wants to kidnap me or what?!

"Class, this is our new student... Harry Styles" Mrs Somman said.

My jaw dropped. No way. He. is. going. to. make. my. life. to. hell. when. it's. perfect. now.

"Shit!" I screamed and they all looked at me. "Oops..." I said and faked a smile. The teacher looked at me.

"Miss Payne, please. No swearing in class" she said.

"I'm sorry Mrs" I said and Li looked at me weirdly. I'm in a deep deep shit now.

"Hello everyone!" Harry said and all girls, I SWEAR, fainted. Even Li! God, what's wrong with them all?

"Hello Desty" Harry said in a low voice and smirked evilly. I groaned. He sat behind me and still had that evil grin on his face. Li looked at me with the tell-me-all-babe-or-you-dead look. I sighed. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT.

I turned to Harry and looked at him angrily.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I whispered/shouted.

"Aren't you happy to see your best friend?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm so happy that I can explode in the air from joy any minute." I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes. "Now you're here because...?" I asked again.

"Because I want to. You've become very stupid, haven't you? You can't talk to me like this, babe. You know what's going to happen. We don't want our little Payne to get hurt, now do we?" he asked. That stupid smirk never leaving his sucky face.

"First. I'm not stupid and second I'm not scared of you anymore. I have friends now" I said and turned around that he couldn't say anything back. I'm not strong. I still have a fear of him. I don't want to get hurt. I just cured all my scars and bruises. I don't want to lose my friends. I want to live a life without him! God, please, save me from this shit!

The lesson ended very quickly. Like always :D.  I fast grabbed all my things and Li. We went out, or more like ran out because school is over for the day and I don't want to deal with Harry today anymore. We went to the park and sat on the bench.

"Now, talk" Li said and looked into my eyes.

"So... I wanted to tell you before but it was just a bad time, I was going to tell you today, but someone just had to ruin it!" I remembered Harry and my blood boiled.

"Calm down and tell me everything" Li said.

"OK... Here. I'm Destiny Payne, you know Liam's Payne sister-" I started.

"Woah! Wait! You're Liam's sister?? One Direction Liam's sister?!" She screamed. Great. NOT! I nodded and she squealed. I hate it.

"I'm friends with the boys but not with Harry. He used to go to the same school as me, he bullied me and beat me. I had scars and bruises on all my body. I had a boyfriend and his name was Josh. I dated him for almost 2 years but then he cheated on me. He said I was ugly and all that kind of stuff. He was best friends with Harry back at my old school. They made my life a living hell, I had no friends and they would all bully me and make fun of me, but mostly it was Harry. I don't know why? What had I done to him?? The boys don't know about it, they think that we just don't get along just that we fight like an old couple. They don't know about the bullying, scars, bruises or hate that's why I got out of school, they think it's because the teachers weren't very good, but it's because of Harry and Josh" I started crying and Li hugged me and comforted me. I saw few tears in her eyes.

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