Almost found truth

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Previously in 'HEDE':

What's wrong with me?? And Mellisa is such a beautiful and I felt those bombs, when we touched. I don't know anymore... One thought crossed my minds.

Could it possible, for no reasons and in free way, be ... a love sign?

Destiny P.O.V.

"I'll see you tomorrow? Luke asked. We finished to watch movies and now Luke had to go home.

"Yeah, sure thing" I said and pecked his lips.

"Good night, baby girl" he said and went out. I waved him one last time and shut door closed. I slowly went to the kitchen and sighed. All this day went back through my minds. 

Luke. Mellisa. That click. Sign.

I sat on the counter and ran with my hands through my hair. It's too difficult for my little brains. I felt my phone buzzing. I picked it up and saw unknown number.

From: Unknown

Hello, it's me, Mellisa. Pizza girl? Just wanted to make sure, it's Destiny?

I smiled at the message and text back. I added her number to my contacts.


Hi! Yeah, it's me. Nice to hear you texted me :)

I send it and went back to the living room. I popped down on the sofa. We texted for a while with Mellisa, she's such a funny and sweet girl. I love her, already.

I learned that her favorite color is red, she goes to St. Madison school (made up name :D) and loves music. She lives with her mother and father. She has dog named Lilo. It feels like I know her for all my life. I think we'll be very good friends. I hope so. I heard door open and close.

 Boys back.

"I'm so hungry" I heard Niall voice and chuckled.

"You always hungry, Niall" Zayn voice said.

They all came in living room and smiled at me.

"Hi girl" Louis said and sat next to me. Niall, of course, went to kitchen. Liam, Zayn and Harry sat on other sofa in front of us.

"Hey" I said "How was your interview?"

"Same old, lots of questions and many fans" Zayn said and I nodded.

"And how was your day, sissy?" LiLi asked.

"Movie day with Luke" I said casually and Louis did kissing faces. I hit him playfully in the arm. They all laughed but Harry. He sat and stared at me. Weird, did he hit his head?

"I also found new friend" I said happily.

"Really?" Niall asked and sat on the floor with ice cream cup in his hands. Typical Niall.

"Yeah, she's Mellisa and she is very sweet" I said.

"Is she fit?' Harry asked. I glared at him.

"You won't touch her, Styles" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Please, don't start, we too tired" Liam said.

"I'm not starting anything, he's asking stupid questions!" I complained.

"They are NOT stupid" Harry snapped.

"So, it's-" I started but Louis cut me off.

"Can you stop!?" Louis yelled, we all looked at him. "I swear, if I didn't know you too good, I could swear you are enemies, who are having sex! Gosh, you just fight, then cuddle when you can, sleep in one bed together and then fight again! And all your fights are about jealousy and you two!" he screamed.

I looked at him shocked, so did and Harry. My eyes were wide opened. Boys looked at Louis, then at me and Harry. I blinked few times and they all cracked in laugh. Except me and Harry, of course. It wasn't funny at all. Louis particularly said truth, except we NOT having sex, we just making-out. They all were still laughing.

"They, Harry and Desty, having sex? Best joke ever!" Zayn said between laugh and started cracking up again. I felt so insecure now, what if they all find out? Harry was looking down and somehow found interest in his shoes. I looked down awkwardly.

"Why you aren't laughing?" Niall asked between laugh. I started feeling nervous and Liam noticed it.

"Wait... if you aren't? Then..." He stopped laughing. "You did not?!" Liam asked angrily. Shit. Boys stopped laughing and looked at me and Harry. I scratched my neck, so did and Harry.

"Did what?" I played stupid.

"You know, had sex?" he asked awkwardly. I shook my head so fast that I thought it will fall off my neck.

"HELL NO!!" I yelled. I said truth... I didn't have sex with Harry. I didn't lie.

"Oh... I just thought...Never mind" Liam said. I struggled. Phew, that was close one. I looked at Harry, he was all green, it looked that he could puke any second. Ha, feel it, Styles. I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to sleep, night guys" I said and went to my room. I changed my clothes and fast fall asleep.

Liam P.O.V.

What a relief. Just idea about my little sister and Harry having sex drove me mad. I know, my sister isn't so stupid and has a boyfriend. But for Harry... He's my best mate, but I don't know... He's the flirt one. But they don't go along, so... Oh, never mind. I looked at Harry, he looked scared and shocked.

"What's wrong mate?" I asked. He looked at me but didn't make an eyes contact.

"I'm fine, it's alright" he said. He lied, I know it. I'm very good with people emotions reading. He's not being truthful now.

"Mate, you and Des? Oh lord, best my joke really" Louis said and we laughed. Harry didn't. What's his problem? Does he fancy her?

"Y-yeah" Harry said and looked down.

"I'm going sleep. I'm tired" He said and went upstairs. I looked at Louis, who had same confused look on his face. What's up with them both? We just joked around. It's not that it will ever happen. I'm right... yes?


Hey! so here's another update!

what do you think?


Love you all ♡

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