Finally Peace

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Previously in 'HEDE':

"Don't worry. Just some checking. Don't forget, i love you all. Always in my heart" I said as tears run down. Doctor with nurse pulled me with my bed out of the ward. Last thing I saw was everyone's eyes on me with smiles. Loving ones.

Destiny P.O.V.

"Will it hurt?" I asked nurse. She looked at me and shook her head.

"You won't feel anything" she assumed me. "You will just fall into long peaceful dream that's all" she said and I nodded. I looked at her while she was getting ready all things and syringe. It looked so scary and terrifying. I shut my eyes closed and took deep breath.It's my last hour of living. I won't be able to open my eyes ever again. I won't be able to breath this air. I won't be able to have kids like Harry wanted. I won't be able to have family, hold my first baby. I won't see how he grows or goes to school. I won't be able to see Harry, boys or their girlfriends anymore. I won't see my parents. It's the end.

I never thought I will die like this. Always I was scared of death and never wanted to die. But now it all seems right. I will die. I can say it. I'm not afraid anymore. Because I know I will die for a reason and with love. Now everything look like from fairytale. My family, friends, school. Everything. It's so calm and just perfect. I am happy. I am happy they love me. I am happy that those two kids in the park are happily playing with ball and laughing. I am happy cause I know it's my time. I know I have to go out of this world. I can't stay here. It's my time. Time to go...

"Please sigh here" Nurse said and showed me a paper. I took pencil from her and looked at the headline. 'Clinic death'. That's what going to happen to me. Sleep. I am sighing document what will send me in peaceful sleep. I scrabbled my sigh in the paper and handed nurse it back. She smiled at me and went to the desk. She talked with a doctor something while I laid here and just listened the silence.So peaceful. I wonder what's going to happen to me? Am I going to heaven or just to nothing? Is there a heaven or it's just some story to tell children when they are crying?


"Grandpa?" I asked my grandfather and tugged his hand. He looked at me with a slight smile.

"Yes, sweetie?" he asked me. I looked at him with my big eyes what were holding back tears.

"Where is grandma?" I asked him and looked around the room. Everyone were crying, everyone were sad and held pain in their eyes. My grandfather sighed and kneed down in my level.

"Your grandma is in better place now. She's in heaven where all angels help her" he said and I wimped.

"Is she happy?" I asked him and he nodded his head with a smile.

"Yes, she is very happy. She looks from the sky and protects you. She is your angel guardian" My grandpa said to me and hugged me. I cried in his chest. I didn't understand what's going on but all I knew is that I won't see my grandma anymore.

End of flashback

I was six years old when my grandma died. I didn't understand that time about all situation and I couldn't feel that strong ache in my chest. But now I can. I feel everything now. I understand she died and I can't change it. She was my best friend back then and I loved her to death. Still can't believe she's gone. Maybe I will find her and meet her too. Grandpa said she's out there waiting for me. For the right time. I know it's time for me now. I will see her again. I will wrap my hands around her neck and hold her strong. I so missed her.

"We can start" Nurse said to me and I nodded. Doctor came near me and took my hand. I couldn't move so I just gave her my hand. She put in on the side table and brushed it with spirit. I watched how she took squirt and came closer to my hand.

"You don't need to worry, everything will be fine" doctor said to me.


"Don't worry darling, it won't hurt" doctor said as she held my hand. I turned my head to my mother and she stroked my head.Doctor thrust the squirt in my vein. It didn't hurt at all. I was just too worried. My mother smiled and I smiled back.

"You see, it doesn't hurt" my mother said to me and I nodded. Doctor took my blood and took out the squirt. She put something on my hand to stop blood and I held it tight.

"You don't need to worry, everything will be fine." Doctor said to me and I nodded.

End of flashback

Doctor thrust squirt in my vein and I felt cold liquid in my hand. It's happening. I am slowly dying.  After few minutes doctor pulled out the squirt and smiled at me.

"Done. Now you have about 5 minutes till your system will shut off and you will fall in peaceful sleep" Doctor said and gave squirt to nurse.

"Thank you, doctor" I said to her and she smiled at me. She stood up and turned to me.

"No need to, find your peace, darling" she said and went out. It was just me and nurse in the ward. Nurse smiled at me and went out too. I guess it leaves just me. 5 minutes. I have 5 minutes left. It sounds so unrealistic. Like in the movie. There is some kind of disaster and you don't know how long left to you. But in here, you know. You know you have 5 minutes and you will die. It's strange how calm I am. I am waiting my death. I never thought I will say this in my life.I looked at the wall clock and smiled. I have 4 minutes left. I felt how slowly my hands gets heavy.

I heard some yelling and screaming."Where is she?!" familiar voice yelled. Harry. Oh no. I heard some sounds and door flew open. I turned my head to other side and saw Harry standing in the doorway with terrified expression. He run to me and cried in my chest.

"Why?" he sobbed and looked at me through the tears in his eyes. 

3 minutes.

"I had to." I said and smiled slightly.

"No! It's not a choice! It's not fair! I need you!" he screamed and cried at one time. It was too hurtful to see this. That's why I didn't want him to know. I don't want him to see me dying.

2 minutes.

"Remember what I said. It's my time. You promised me. Keep your promise and I will be happy" I said and he shook his head.

"Don't leave me! Please, Destiny..." he cried and help my hands tight. His head was on my stomach.

"I love you" I said and felt sudden sleepiness. Time to go. I tried to hold my eyes opened for few more seconds. I need to hear those words. Just those words.

"I love you too, Destiny... I will keep my promise." Harry said and looked at my eyes. He leaned in and his lips touched mine. I felt his lips on mine but I couldn't move them. I was too tired. I shut my eyes and everything went black. Last thing I heard was Harry's screaming and shaking me. Then darkness.


Well, I bet you did no expect this one...

Do not worry my folks, there is still one more chapter to go

Comment what you liked in this story and what not and also your thoughts about what will happen in the last chapter!


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